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生物器材網(wǎng) 創(chuàng)建于互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的早期時(shí)代1998年7月,建站20多年來(lái),秉承“為生命科學(xué)服務(wù),為優(yōu)質(zhì)廠商服務(wù)”的宗旨,面向生命科學(xué)、醫(yī)學(xué)研究、生物制藥、生物工程、現(xiàn)代農(nóng)業(yè)、食品安全、環(huán)境監(jiān)測(cè)、公安司法等領(lǐng)域的用戶(hù),提供儀器設(shè)備、試劑、耗材、實(shí)驗(yàn)動(dòng)物、細(xì)胞株、軟件、圖書(shū)、生物研發(fā)服務(wù)、二手儀器、儀器維修、租賃等信息和行業(yè)資訊,訪問(wèn)者主要來(lái)自于大學(xué)、研究所、醫(yī)院、制藥廠、疾控中心、檢驗(yàn)檢疫、環(huán)境監(jiān)測(cè)、食品檢測(cè)、儀器生產(chǎn)制造、銷(xiāo)售、代理、經(jīng)銷(xiāo)等機(jī)構(gòu)和企業(yè)。


中文版 建于1998年,由供應(yīng)商數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)、儀器試劑耗材產(chǎn)品數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)、技術(shù)服務(wù)數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)、行業(yè)資訊、會(huì)議展覽、新品關(guān)注、技術(shù)文章、視頻精選、人才招聘、供求論壇等欄目組成。目前已有3萬(wàn)余家企業(yè)注冊(cè)會(huì)員并提供了100多萬(wàn)條產(chǎn)品信息,日訪問(wèn)量超過(guò)6萬(wàn)次,歷年累計(jì)客戶(hù)詢(xún)價(jià)20余萬(wàn)條。訪問(wèn)者多數(shù)是有采購(gòu)意向的決策者。

英文版 建于2006年,服務(wù)于全球的科研人員和國(guó)際貿(mào)易企業(yè)。截至2020年8月,已有1000多家中外企業(yè)注冊(cè)成為會(huì)員,包括儀器試劑的生產(chǎn)、銷(xiāo)售、代理商等,收錄了10萬(wàn)多條產(chǎn)品信息,累計(jì)客戶(hù)詢(xún)價(jià)3萬(wàn)余條。已有來(lái)自世界各地110個(gè)國(guó)家的客戶(hù)同中國(guó)企業(yè)進(jìn)行交流和洽談貿(mào)易。如今英文版已成為本行業(yè)中國(guó)產(chǎn)品走向世界和國(guó)外產(chǎn)品進(jìn)入中國(guó)的窗口。



www.tenergyglobal.com was established in the early days of the Internet in July 1998. Since the beginning of the company, the mission of “serving life sciences and serving high-quality suppliers” has never changed. For more than two decades, Bio-Equip has been providing users in various fields (such as life sciences, medicine research, biological pharmacy, bio-engineering, modern agriculture, food safety, environmental monitoring and forensic science, etc) with industrial information related to devices and instruments, reagents, consumables, lab animals, cell lines, books, biological R&D service, second-hand instruments, instrument repairs and rental services, etc. Visitors mainly come from companies and education institutions, research institutes, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, centers for disease control, inspection & quarantine, environmental monitoring, food inspection, and manufacturers, sellers, and distributors of instruments.

There are two versions of the website: the Chinese version (bio-equip.com) and English version (bio-equip.cn); The website also adapts to both PC and Mobile devices (m.bio-equip.com).

The Chinese version (www.tenergyglobal.com) consists of the following sections: vendor database, instruments/reagents/consumables database, technical Bioservice database, industrial information, conferences/exhibitions, new product/technology announcements, technical documents and specifications, featured product videos, talent recruitment, and supply/demand forum. So far over 35,000 companies have registered as members and provided over 100,000 product entries. The daily visits exceed over 60,000 and the total cumulated number of sales inquiries exceed over 200,000 times. Most of the visitors are decision makers with purchase intention .

The English version (www.bio-equip.cn), established in 2006, aims to provide service for global researchers and international trading enterprises. Until August 2020, over 1,000 companies (both domestic and international) have registered as members, covering the fields of manufacturing, sales and distributing of instruments/reagents with over 100,000 product entries. Total number of sales inquiries exceed over 30,000 times. The clients come from more than 110 countries, including India, Pakistan, US, Nigeria, UAE, Philippines, Iran, Kenya, UK, Malaysia, Canada, South Africa, Australia and so on. www.bio-equip.cn has become a window for the Chinese products to go abroad and the overseas products to enter China.

The mobile version (WAP): was released to adapt the development of mobile internet and make mobile users more convenient, Bio-Equip launched the mobile version (WAP) both in Chinese and English in 2016, which accommodates for all kinds of mobile devices including cell phones, tablets, etc . The content of mobile version is up-to-date with the PC version

The website is maintained by Shanghai Beiyi Bioequip Information Company Limited. It is our responsibility and purpose to provide visitors with accurate and reliable information services and ensure 7 x 24 stable operation of the site. We will do everything we can to provide the best services to our customers. In addition, we welcome all kinds of collaborations and business inquiries, and let us work together to contribute to the development of life sciences.

Welcome to join hands with us to contribute to the development of life sciences!


生物器材網(wǎng)http://www.tenergyglobal.com 所載之資料僅供參考之用,不代表本站觀點(diǎn)。





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Copyright(C) 1998-2024 生物器材網(wǎng) 電話:021-64166852;13621656896 E-mail:info@bio-equip.com