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  • 2091 Isolation and culture of smooth muscle cell 2017-3-16
    1.Male Wistar rats of about 250g body wt were anesthetized with ether and were decapitated. 2.Kidneys and thoracic aorta were removed, rinsed with sterile ice-cold phosphate-buffer

  • 2332 脾臟、胸腺和淋巴結(jié)中單個核細(xì)胞分離和培養(yǎng) 2017-3-16

  • 8071 3D無標(biāo)記斷層掃描技術(shù)探索巨噬細(xì)胞防疫功能及納米材料毒性 2017-2-28
    與眾不同的研究新方法:高顏值,高效率,高分辨率,高新數(shù)據(jù)產(chǎn)出! ------Nanolive 3D cell Eexplorer 1、斷層掃描3D顯微鏡對活巨噬細(xì)胞成像研究巨噬細(xì)胞在傷口愈合過程中起著重要作用,是一類在

  • 3673 銳博生物 Cell:LincRNA-EPS如何通過轉(zhuǎn)錄制動來發(fā)揮抑制炎癥作用 2017-2-17
    麻省大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)院的Katherine研究團(tuán)隊于6月16號在Cell上發(fā)表了lincRNA-EPS能夠抑制免疫炎癥反應(yīng)的研究成果,進(jìn)一步證明lincRNA在免疫系統(tǒng)中的重要性。研究背景基因間長鏈非編碼RNA(Long intergen

  • 1822 TSQ 8000 系列全新的氣相色譜三重四極桿質(zhì)譜儀應(yīng)用案例集(一) 2017-2-16
    • 該系列氣相色譜三重四極桿質(zhì)譜中的最新款 TSQ 8000 Evo是世界上最先進(jìn)的氣相色譜質(zhì)譜儀,應(yīng)用于高通量目標(biāo)化合物定量、篩選和常見有機(jī)分析問題的解決• TSQ 8000 Evo 完全可以取代

  • 2765 羊布病(Brucellosis)ELISA試劑盒操作步驟 2016-9-20

  • 4493 腫瘤外泌體RNA通過激活肺泡上皮TLR3招募嗜中性粒細(xì)胞促進(jìn)肺預(yù)轉(zhuǎn)移微環(huán)境形成 2016-8-11
    腫瘤外泌體RNA通過激活肺泡上皮TLR3招募嗜中性粒細(xì)胞促進(jìn)肺預(yù)轉(zhuǎn)移微環(huán)境形成研究背景1889年,Stephen Paget通過對大量腫瘤的解剖學(xué)研究發(fā)現(xiàn),特定的腫瘤細(xì)胞總是傾向于轉(zhuǎn)移到特定的組織器官。假

  • 10147 如何有效分離提取cfDNA用于檢測? 2016-5-26
    說起腫瘤、癌癥,已經(jīng)不再像多年前一樣讓談癌色變,但仍舊為人們所恐懼。成功治療腫瘤還是以早發(fā)現(xiàn)早治療為主。那么盡早檢測和發(fā)現(xiàn)腫瘤便是首當(dāng)其沖的核心。液體活檢(Liquid biopsy)的檢測方法,

  • 6246 一年4篇Cell一作論文 大牛分享了10條科研經(jīng)驗 2016-2-25
    羅納德·韋爾博士(Ronald D. Vale)是加州大學(xué)舊金山分校(UCSF)的細(xì)胞與分子藥理學(xué)教授。研究方向是驅(qū)動蛋白和動力蛋白分子馬達(dá)。他創(chuàng)造了一個科研界的世界記錄:一年內(nèi)作為第一作者發(fā) 4 篇高

  • 7435 Wheaton細(xì)胞培養(yǎng)系列CELLine生物反應(yīng)器工作原理及特點 2015-5-27

  • 6100 人全血Foxp3實驗步驟 2014-12-3
    需要試劑 HumanRegulatoryTCellWholeBloodStainingKit(#88-8996-40) 包含組分: (1)、1XRBCLysisBuffer:200mL (2)、FlowCytometryStainingBuffer:600mL (3)、Fixation/PermeabilizationCon

  • 2454 Cell-Based ELISA簡介以及應(yīng)用 2014-9-11
    1、Cell-Based ELISA 的優(yōu)點: Cell-Based ELISA(基于細(xì)胞的 ELISA)是一種全新的ELISA技術(shù),有兩個最突出的優(yōu)點:1.1不需要抽提蛋白、包被微孔板:細(xì)胞直接在微孔板里培養(yǎng),待檢測的時候,將細(xì)

  • 9717 血細(xì)胞形態(tài)學(xué)檢查的重要意義 2014-6-28

  • 5126 T Cell Receptor 信號通路圖 2012-7-23
    The T Cell Receptor plays a key role in the immune system. The specificity of the receptor is governed by the binding site formed from the mature alpha and beta chains (shown here)

  • 4363 B Cell Receptor 信號通路圖 2012-7-13
    B cells produce immunoglobulins (Ig, antibodies) that specifically bind antigen molecules. B cells first produce a membrane-bound form of immunoglobulin, the B cell receptor, as pa

  • 2224 3H-Thymidine Uptake by Cultured Cells 2012-6-20
    Materials Fibroblast cells in log phase growthCa , Mg free-phosphate buffered saline (PBSA)5% (w/v) Glutaraldehyde (GTA)2% (w/v) Perchloric Acid (PCA)Subbed slides (coated with chr

  • 1473 Fluorescent Staining of Cells 2012-6-20
    1. Fluorescent phalloidin in methanol. Phallacidin does not work as well. Dilute 10 ul 330 nM stock into 500 ul PBS for each large coverslip. 2. PBS, solution A. Procedure:1. Fix a

  • 3043 Culture of human venous smooth muscle cells 2012-5-23
    Culture of human venous smooth muscle cells1.Explants of the 2 groups of skins (control subjects and patients with varicose veins) were prepared according to the method described f

  • 2867 Isolation of human prostatic smooth muscle cells 2012-5-8
    Isolation of human prostatic smooth muscle cells Human prostate tissues1.Human hyperplastic prostates were obtained during surgery from four men through transurethral resection of

  • 2616 Isolation of human primary gastric mucosa epithelial cells 2012-4-19
    Isolation of human primary gastric mucosa epithelial cells1.A piece of gastric mucosa (∼3 cm2) was obtained from the normal appearing mucosa of the stomach at surgery. 2.The

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