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當(dāng)前位置 > 首頁(yè) > 人才招聘 > 德國(guó)IKA集團(tuán)中國(guó)公司誠(chéng)聘產(chǎn)品經(jīng)理、市場(chǎng)助理等
點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):2153 發(fā)布日期:2011-6-22  來(lái)源:本站 本站原創(chuàng),轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處
廣州儀科實(shí)驗(yàn)室技術(shù)有限公司是德國(guó)IKA集團(tuán)在華設(shè)立的全資子公司,位于廣州經(jīng)濟(jì)技術(shù)開(kāi)發(fā)區(qū)西區(qū)。作為IKA集團(tuán)的成員, 公司秉承總部的經(jīng)營(yíng)管理理念,崇尚“信任、尊重、平等”等傳統(tǒng)價(jià)值觀,推崇開(kāi)放有效的溝通,推行扁平化的組織架構(gòu),致力于營(yíng)造積極和諧的工作氛圍,與員工建立家人般的互信關(guān)系。 公司管理層深信, 公司的成功有賴于員工的辛勤工作,因此, 公司尊重員工的特點(diǎn),關(guān)注員工的成長(zhǎng)及發(fā)展。在人才任用方面, 公司一貫堅(jiān)持“把最合適的人才安排在最合適的崗位,做最合適的事情”。


公司認(rèn)同工作生活平衡對(duì)員工身心健康的重要性,為此 公司資助員工成立了各種球類(lèi)運(yùn)動(dòng)俱樂(lè)部,鼓勵(lì)員工定期參加相關(guān)活動(dòng);公司也會(huì)組織集體活動(dòng),如體育比賽、 公司旅游、親子節(jié)等。 公司希望員工既能開(kāi)心地工作,也能享受生活。

PositionProduct Specialist / Product Manager
1. Qualifications
1) Bachelor degree in Chemistry, Biology or related.
2) 2 years sales, service or lab experience with lab equipment.
3) Proficiency in Chinese & English.
4) Strong presentation skills.
5) Good communication and negotiation skills.
6) Self-motivated.
7) Willing to travel.
2. Job targets/Area of responsibility
1) Expand IKA market share by on-site technical product support.
2) Deliver company image and product information with prioritized features and corresponding justification.
3) Organize road shows and seminars.
4) Offer counsel to customers’ technical queries on application and operation.
5) Find new application solution for customers with IKA products.
6) Be an expert with respect to the competition.
7) Internal and external product training.
8) Assist sales for technical negotiation when necessary

PositionMarketing Executive ( Online media administrator)
1) Bachelor Degree in IT, or similar major;
2) Familiar with PHP, ASP, MYSQL; familiar with Dreamweaver, Flash, etc; Photoshop or other video-making software  is a plus;
3) Familiar with SEO, know the rules of searching engine;
4) Familiar with online media, and database administration;
5) Experience on website administration;
6) Good command of English, especially written;
7) Working experience for  South East Asia market is the advantage;
8) Detail-oriented and high sense of responsibility;
9) Hardworking and willing to learn.
Job targets/Area of responsibility

1. Make the marketing budget of online media, and control the budget;
2. Responsible for administration and maintenance of company website, CRM system, etc.
3. Responsible for making flash banners, online page, etc., for marketing purpose;
4. Carry out all the online marketing activities, monitor, follow, Make the statistics and evaluate the result; eg. Video campaign;
5. Monitor all the cooperate online media, to guarantee the best marketing result, optimize the sales leads;
6. Monitor all popular online media as well as agents/words, from customers or competitors in China as well as in Asia,  give the suitable suggestions;
7. Translate all the content on company website, etc;
8. Work out the online campaign proposal when necessary;
9. Assist Marketing director to do other works; to be the interligence of online media
10.Other supporting job to market and sales colleagues.

PositionMarketing Assistant
1) Bachelor Degree in English, marketing or similar major;
2) Good command of English both written and spoken;
3) At least one year experience in Marketing or sales dept.;
4) Active  on website, familiar with all the new media;
5) Good communication skills, good writing skills;
6) Detail-oriented, well-organized, work efficiently;
7) Fast responding and self driven;
8) Hardworking and team work;
Job targets/Area of responsibility
a. Help Marketing executive to do the event marketing, especially in South East Asia;
b. Help the online executive to do the online marketing, especially in South East Asia;
c. Help graphic designer or project leader to check the content of a lot of new coming marketing material;
d. Help marketing director to do the PR/EPR marketing, and other global marketing activities;
e. Responsible for translation of all the marketing material, sales tools, and contact with external agency  if necessary;
f. Make telephone call and follow the survey, etc.
g. Input customer data from event or other activities, in CRM system;
h. Other assistant job in marketing dept.

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招聘職位: Product Specialist Product Manager 我要應(yīng)聘

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