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當前位置 > 首頁 > 人才招聘 > 美國PeproTech中國代表處誠招市場助理和產品支持
點擊次數:5190 發(fā)布日期:2011-12-20  來源:本站 本站原創(chuàng),轉載請注明出處
PeproTech China
PeproTech China (派普泰克公司中國代表處) 是由美國PeproTech Inc.亞洲分公司在中國設立的外資常駐代表機構,負責對細胞因子及相關產品(包括抗體和ELISA試劑盒等)進行技術支持和市場推廣。
PeproTech Inc. 創(chuàng)立于1988年,始終致力于為生命科學研究開發(fā)重組蛋白及相關產品,如今已成為能提供多種高質量細胞因子和重組蛋白,相應的單克隆、多克隆和生物素標記抗體,以及ELISA試劑盒的世界領導者。PeproTech Inc.的產品涵蓋免疫調節(jié)蛋白、白介素、集落刺激因子、生長因子、化學趨化因子、干擾素、脂聯素、成纖維生長因子、轉化生長因子、腫瘤壞死因子、神經營養(yǎng)素和防御素等諸多生命科學研究領域中重要的生物活性分子。
為跟蹤當今科研發(fā)展、滿足日益增長的需求,PeproTech Inc.研制出無動物成分的重組蛋白(Animal Free Recombinant Proteins)。這些蛋白是利用專有的無動物成分生產設施,在嚴格的無動物成分條件下生產出來,因此痕量的動物源性污染引發(fā)潛在問題的可能性被降至最低,從而完全達到臨床前研究和細胞治療用標準。此外,PeproTech Inc.最新還開發(fā)出無動物成分的培養(yǎng)基添加物試劑盒(Animal-Free Media Supplement Kits)。這些試劑盒經改良設計,其中的無血清組分對多種哺乳動物細胞的生長有更好的維持能力。
PeproTech Inc.的產品自2000年進入中國市場以來,以其優(yōu)良的品質和合理的價格迅速得到國內各重點研究和實驗機構的認可和青睞。鑒于中國經濟發(fā)展的良好態(tài)勢和中國生物醫(yī)藥研發(fā)投入的巨額增長,PeproTech Inc.于2009年10月在中國蘇州設立代表機構,意為中國的廣大用戶提供更好的支持和服務,并助中國的科研和產業(yè)開發(fā)一臂之力。
職位名稱:市場助理 (Marketing Assistant)
1. Collection of the information of customers and dealers
2. Maintenance of customers and dealers.
3. Maintenance of websites.
4. Exhibition in scientific conferences and seminars.
1. Bachelor or higher. Undergraduate degree obtained from a 211 project university is required.
2. Major in cell biology or immunology.
3. CET-6 or higher. Holding the certificate of Intermediate English Interpretation is preferred.
4. Fluent in English writing, speaking, and reading.
5. Good at PowerPoint/Word/Excel office software. Familiar with Photoshop and corelDRAW, or equivalent graphic software is preferred.
6. Familiarity with database related software, such as Access and Visual Basic is preferred.
7. Experience in laboratories is preferred.
8. Experience in customer service in biotech companies is preferred.
9. Self-motivated, goal-oriented, strong interpersonal and communication skills.
職位名稱:產品支持 (Product Specialist)
1. Pre-sales & after-sales technical support.
2. Dealer Training regarding product knowledge and technology.
3. Translation of marketing materials.
4. Exhibition in scientific conferences and seminars.
5. Website maintenance.
1.  Master or higher. Undergraduate degree obtained from a 211 project university is required.
2. Major in cell biology or immunology.
3. At least two years of experience in human, mouse, or rat cell culture is necessary.
4. Familiarity with ELISA, Western Blot, Immunocytochemistry or Immunohistochemisty is required.
5. CET-6 or higher. Holding the certificate of Intermediate English Interpretation is preferred.
6. Fluent in English writing, speaking, and reading.
7. Good at PowerPoint/Word/Excel office software.
8. Familiarity with html code is preferred.
9.  Self-motivated, goal-oriented, strong interpersonal and communication skills.
Please send your full CV in Chinese and English to the china@peprotechasia.com.  
招聘職位: 市場助理 產品支持 我要應聘

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