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當前位置 > 首頁 > 人才招聘 > 瑞士Hamilton公司招聘銷售經(jīng)理(上海、北京)
點擊次數(shù):11385 發(fā)布日期:2013-1-30  來源:本站 本站原創(chuàng),轉載請注明出處
Hamilton公司成立于1947年,其生產(chǎn)研發(fā)總部設在瑞士的Bonaduz和美國的Reno,是一家全球跨國公司,在德國、法國、英國和意大利均設有分公司。從微量注射(Microliter Syringe)至生物樣品自動處理工作站(Microlab®STAR),Hamilton的產(chǎn)品以其優(yōu)異的質(zhì)量在用戶中贏得了聲譽。
Hamilton公司生物樣品自動處理工作站(Life Science Robotics)的技術在全球范圍內(nèi)處于領先地位,廣泛運用在全世界第一流的生命科學研究實驗室和著名制藥公司。Hamilton公司的專利技術設定了工業(yè)新的標準和精度。


隨著生物醫(yī)學技術的飛速發(fā)展,科研工作人員面臨許多新的問題:如高通量實驗要求,新實驗方法不斷問世,昂貴的試劑價格, 如何快速正確處理樣品等等 。Hamilton 公司根據(jù)這些在生物醫(yī)學領域新中提出的新要求,設計了一系列Microlab®STAR生物樣品自動處理工作平臺,主動式樣品管理系統(tǒng),為科研工作人員提供更高效、靈活、可靠的解決方案。目前,Hamilton Microlab®STAR, HTS Stoarge被廣泛地運用于基礎生物醫(yī)學研究(如基因組學、蛋白質(zhì)組學和細胞組學),新藥發(fā)現(xiàn)和篩選,臨床醫(yī)學診斷,化工化妝品工業(yè),食品工業(yè)和法醫(yī)鑒定等領域里。

Our Contact
If you are interested in the position and aim to work in a renowned international company, please send your complete CV in English and in Chinese with photo to Ms. Luo:email: yluo@hamilton.ch
Please indicate your salary expectations and the earliest entrance time.
Life Science Robotics- 北區(qū)銷售經(jīng)理Regional Sales Manager, 工作地點:北京
Life Science Robotics- 東區(qū)銷售經(jīng)理Regional Sales Manager, 工作地點:上海
Your Tasks
·Identification of potential business opportunities for Hamilton Robotics, HTS storages product lines.
·Developing new business at targeted life science market
·Setting up quotations according to enquires from customers
·Providing Hamilton´s end-user with customized solution
·Organization of seminars and workshops in cooperation with application specialist
·Supporting current business expansion in China

Your Profile
·University degree or similar qualification in Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Engineering or combined background
·At least 3-4 years experience in active selling capital scientific instruments
·A plus for Experience in Liquid Handling Automation
·Local access to Life Science Market
·Mother tongue Chinese
·Good English in written and spoken
·Good command of MS-Office
·Ability to communicate and capacity for teamwork
·Willingness to travel within China

We offer
·Attractive salary: depending on the experience and turnover goals
·Regular international training
·Perspective of professional development
·Attractive company culture
招聘職位: 北區(qū)銷售經(jīng)理 東區(qū)銷售經(jīng)理 我要應聘

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