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瀏覽次數(shù):6049 發(fā)布日期:2006-6-27  來源:本站 本站原創(chuàng),轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

代理的公司有:LaMotte, Biomark, Kern, Astell, ALLA, Velp, Endecottes, Brookfield, Witeg, Funke Gerber, Sheen, Fritsch, Filtros, LABEXPORT, Exacta-optech, InterOcean Systems, Aquaria, Julabo, Supertech, Jenco, and Avonchem.



總經(jīng)理:Tarek Chamaa
銷售經(jīng)理:Maya Chamaa
電話:00961 3 66 48 62
傳真:00961 5 81 08 17
E-Mail: labquip@hotmail.com
地址: 11-0566 Riad El Solh, 11072050 Beirut, Lebanon

LABQUIP in Lebanon seeks suppliers in China
LABQUIP : Suppliers for laboratory equipment, chemicals, and Glass ware
Agent for: LaMotte, Biomark, Kern, Astell, ALLA, Velp, Endecottes, Brookfield, Witeg, Funke Gerber, Sheen, Fritsch, Filtros, LABEXPORT, Exacta-optech, InterOcean Systems, Aquaria, Julabo, Supertech, Jenco, and Avonchem.
We can supply a complete range of laboratories for Cement, Paint, Aluminium, Dairy, Conserve, Food and beverage, and Medicine industries. also for research, medical, scientific, and educational laboratories.
We are interested to distribute your products in our market. If you are interested in such a proposal, please send us to our address mentioned below a complete set of your latest catalogues and leaflets with your respectful price list with the discount given to us as distributors.
General manager: Tarek Chamaa
Sales Manager : Maya Chamaa
Tel: 00961 3 66 48 62
Mobile: 00961 3 31 73 72
Fax: 00961 5 81 08 17
E-Mail: labquip@hotmail.com
P.O.Box: 11-0566 Riad El Solh, 11072050 Beirut, Lebanon

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