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瀏覽次數(shù):5496 發(fā)布日期:2011-9-15  來源:冷泉港生物科技有限公司
HOPKINTON,Mass.201188——Caliper Life Sciences,Inc.(NASDAQ: CALP)今天宣布,公司順利地調(diào)停了與Carestream Health,Inc.的兩起訴訟。

在2010年2月的第一起訴訟中,Caliper, Caliper的全資子公司Xenogen,以及Stanford大學(xué)聲稱Carestream在其成像系統(tǒng)的營銷和銷售中誘導(dǎo)侵犯了7項由斯坦福大學(xué)獨家授權(quán)給Xenogen的成像專利。在2010年7月的第二起訴訟中,Carestream聲稱Caliper的Lumina XR系統(tǒng)侵犯了Carestream的成像專利(美國專利號7,734,325)。

為調(diào)停這些訴訟,Carestream和Caliper達(dá)成以下共識:1)撤銷各自的訴訟和反訴訟;2)Carestream將不再在Stanford授權(quán)Xenogen及Caliper的專利涵蓋的某些應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域內(nèi)營銷和銷售體內(nèi)光學(xué)成像系統(tǒng);以及3)Carestream將不再聲稱Caliper目前配置和銷售的Lumina XR系統(tǒng)侵犯其公司的任何專利。

Caliper由Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox, P.L.L.C.律師事務(wù)所的Mark Fox Evens和Eldora Ellison博士代表。這兩起訴訟分別是1)Caliper Life Sciences等訴Carestream Health,民事訴訟編號:4:10-cv-02079-PJH (N.D.Ca)及2)Carestream Health公司訴Caliper Life Sciences公司,案號:10-cv-00381 (WMC)(SLC)(W.D.Wis)。


HOPKINTON, Mass., August 8, 2011 -- Caliper Life Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: CALP) today announced that it has favorably settled two lawsuits with Carestream Health, Inc.

In the first lawsuit, filed in February 2010, Caliper, its wholly owned subsidiary, Xenogen, and Stanford University alleged that Carestream’s marketing and sales of its instrument systems induced infringement of seven imaging patents that are exclusively licensed to Xenogen by Stanford University. 

In the second lawsuit, filed in July 2010, Carestream alleged that Caliper’s Lumina XR system infringed a Carestream imaging patent (U.S. Patent No. 7,734,325).

To settle these lawsuits, Carestream and Caliper have agreed (i) to dismiss their respective claims and counterclaims; (ii) that Carestream will not market and sell in-vivo optical imaging systems for certain applications covered by patents licensed from Stanford by Xenogen and Caliper; and (iii) that Carestream will not assert that the Lumina XR system as currently configured and sold by Caliper infringes any of Carestream’s patents.

Caliper was represented by Mark Fox Evens and Eldora Ellison, Ph.D. of the law firm Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox, P.L.L.C. The two suits are (i) Caliper Life Sciences, et al. v. Carestream Health., Civil Action No.: 4:10-cv-02079-PJH (N.D.Ca.) & (ii) Carestream Health, Inc. v. Caliper Life Sciences, Case No.: 10-cv-00381(WMC)(SLC) (W.D.Wis.).

關(guān)于Caliper Life Sciences

Life SciencesCaliper公司致力于為在生命科學(xué)領(lǐng)域里的科研人員提供前沿技術(shù), 以便更迅速和有效地開發(fā)出挽救生命的強(qiáng)效藥物和診斷。Caliper積極創(chuàng)新技術(shù)以彌補(bǔ)體外實驗和體內(nèi)結(jié)果之間的差距,并將這些結(jié)果轉(zhuǎn)化成為人類疾病提供的治療手段。Caliper的產(chǎn)品組合,包括當(dāng)前最先進(jìn)的微流體系統(tǒng),實驗室自動化和液體處理,光學(xué)成像技術(shù),以及從實驗室發(fā)現(xiàn)到開發(fā)外包服務(wù)。欲了解更多信息,請訪問
CaliperCaliper Life Sciences公司的注冊商標(biāo)。

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