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瀏覽次數(shù):6100 發(fā)布日期:2013-6-17  來源:本站 本站原創(chuàng),轉載請注明出處
New Advances in Optical Imaging of Live Cells and Organisms 

Atsushi Miyawaki, Riken Brain Science Institute, Japan

Xiaoliang Sunney Xie, 
Harvard University, USA
Rafael Yuste, 
Columbia University, USA 
Xiaowei Zhuang, 
HHMI / Harvard University, USA

1. Intracellular imaging
2. Single molecule imaging
3. Probe development
4. Super-resolution microscopy
5. In vivo imaging
6. Neuroimaging
7. Optical manipulation of activity, including optogenetics and caged compounds
Stefan Hell, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Germany
Abstract title:Nanoscope with Focused Light
Intracellular imaging

Heping Cheng
, Peking University, CHINA
Abstract title: In vivo imaging mitochondrial flashes - The latest developments 
Ethan Garner, Harvard University, USA
Abstract title: Dissecting the mechanism of bacterial cell wall synthesis with single molecule imaging 
Akihiro Kusumi, Kyoto University, JAPAN
Abstract title: Cell’s first steps for raft formation and function as revealed by single-molecule imaging and tracking 
Michiyuki Matsuda, Kyoto University, JAPAN
Abstract title: Visualization of signaling molecule activity with transgenic mice expressing FRET biosensors 
Robert Singer, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Abstract title: Following Single mRNAs From Birth to Death in Living Cells.
Single molecule imaging
Toshio Ando, Kanazawa University, JAPAN
Abstract title: Video imaging of dynamic molecular and cellular processes by high-speed AFM 
Carlos Bustamante, HHMI/University of California, Berkeley, USA
Abstract title:Recent advances in molecular imaging
Yoshie Harada, Kyoto University, JAPAN
Abstract title: Development of a novel single-molecule imaging technique using fluorescent diamond nanoparticles 
Paul Selvin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Abstract title: Single Molecule Fluorescence and Optical Trapping Applied to Molecular 
Michelle Wang, Cornell University and HHMI, USA
Abstract title: Biological Processes under Torque 

Probe development
Steven Boxer, Stanford University, USA
Abstract title: Split GFP as an photo-active element to control interactions 
Atsushi Miyawaki, Riken Brain Science Institute, JAPAN
Abstract title: New fluorescent probes and new perspectives in neuroscience 
Hidekazu Tsutsui, Osaka University, JAPAN
Abstract title: The voltage-sensor domain and membrane potential imaging 
Tao Xu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA
Abstract title: Developing novel probes for super-resolution microscopy
Super-resolution microscopy
William Moerner
, Stanford University, USA
Abstract title: Challenges and Opportunities for 3D Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy in Cells 
Valentin Nagerl, University of Bordeaux, France
Abstract title: Nanoscale imaging of synapses in living brain slices by STED microscopy 
Xiaowei Zhuang, HHMI / Harvard University, USA
Abstract title: Recent technological advances and applications of STORM
In vivo imaging
Scott Fraser, University of Southern California, USA
Abstract title: Imaging the Molecular Signaling and Cellular Dynamics of Embryonic Development.
Masaru Ishii, Osaka University, JAPAN
Abstract title: Intravital multiphoton imaging dissecting cellular dynamics in live animals 
Eric Potma, UC Irvine, USAEric Potma, UC Irvine, USA
Abstract title: Clinical multiphoton microscopy: old tricks, new applications 
Michio Tomura, Kyoto University, JAPAN
Abstract title: Visualization of immune response by obserbing cell-cycle, movement and death. 
Xiaoliang Sunney Xie, Harvard University, USA
Abstract title: Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy: Label Free Imaging of DNA and Cancer
Ann-Shyn Chiang
, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Abstract title: Connectomics mapping of the Drosophila central complex
Daniel Choquet, CNRS-Univ. Bordeaux, FRANCE
Abstract title: Nano Scale imaging of glutamatergic synapse organization and function
Adam Cohen, Harvard University, USA
Abstract title: All Optical Electrophysiology with Microbial Rhodopsins 
Arthur Konnerth, Technical University Munich, GERMANY
Abstract title:Imaging single synapses of cortical neurons in vivo 
Wei Min, Columbia University, USA
Abstract title: Vibrational imaging of proteome dynamics in live cells and organisms.

Optical manipulation of activity, including optogenetics and caged compounds
Edward Boyden
, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Abstract title: Optogenetics and Other Technologies for Neural Circuit Analysis 
Roberto Etchenique, Universidad De Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Abstract title: Ruthenium caged compounds: manipulation of cellular activity with visible and IR light. 
Michael Lin, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Abstract title: Improving fluorescence imaging across spatial scales with brighter red fluorescent proteins 
Shimon Weiss, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Abstract title: Towards 'optogenetics' with non-genetic inorganic nanoparticles 
Rafael Yuste, Columbia University, USA
Abstract title: Playing the piano with the brain: monitoring and manipulating neuronal activity in 3D


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