《 Cell Death and Disease 》《 Plos one 》《 Analytical Chemistry 》
等 SCI 期刊上喜添6篇新章!
1.In vitro cytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles in primary rat hepaticstellate cells. Molecular Medicine Reports,
September 13, 2013, 8(5):1365-72. Impact Factor: 1.17.
引用產(chǎn)品:FITC Annexin V Apoptosis Detection kit (Excell Biology,Shanghai)
1. Marchantin M: a novel inhibitor of proteasome induces autophagiccell death in prostate cancer cells. Cell Death and Disease (2013) 4.IF=6.044.
引用產(chǎn)品:anti-Akt1 (Shanghai Excell Biology,Shanghai, China)
2. Concomitant Targeting of Multiple Key Transcription FactorsEffectively Disrupts Cancer Stem Cells Enriched in Side Population ofHuman Pancreatic Cancer Cells.Plos one, September 11, 2013.IF=3.73
引用產(chǎn)品:Rabbit polyclonal anti-Sox2 (Shanghai ExCell Bio Co. LTD)
3.Ying Yan, Ying Xu, Yan-Yan.Gao.Implication of 14-3-3ε and 14-3-3θ/τinproteasome inhibition-induced apoptosis of glioma cells. online November28, 2012);Cancer Sci,2013,104(1):55~61.(IF:3.325)
引用產(chǎn)品:Anti-human ASK1, phospho-JNK1/2 and phosphor-p38 mAb (ExCellBiology);FBS (ExCell Biology);
4. Wang et al. Puerarin promotes osteogenesis and inhibits adipogenesisin vitro. Chinese Medicine 2013, 8:17.
引用產(chǎn)品: FABP4 antibody (ExCell Biology);
---------依科賽BSA 1篇----------
1. Homogeneous Bioluminescence Detection of Biomolecules UsingTarget-Triggered Hybridization Chain Reaction-Mediated Ligation withoutLuciferase Label. Analytical Chemistry,June 14, 2013.IF=5.695.
引用產(chǎn)品:Bovine serum albumin (BSA) (ExCell Biology, Shanghai, China)