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PeproTech 2017年11月發(fā)布重組人TLR-4等10種產(chǎn)品!

瀏覽次數(shù):11677 發(fā)布日期:2017-11-16  來源:本站 本站原創(chuàng),轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處
類別 名稱 貨號 規(guī)格 價格/RMB
多克隆抗體 Anti-Human Amphiregulin 500-P322-50 50ug ¥2,570.00
多克隆抗體 Anti-Human Amphiregulin 500-P322-100 100ug ¥3,300.00
多克隆抗體 Anti-Human Amphiregulin 500-P322-1000 1000ug ¥26,180.00
多克隆抗體 Biotinylated Anti-Human Amphiregulin 500-P322Bt-25 25ug ¥2,570.00
多克隆抗體 Biotinylated Anti-Human Amphiregulin 500-P322Bt-50 50ug ¥3,300.00
多克隆抗體 Biotinylated Anti-Human Amphiregulin 500-P322Bt-1000 1000ug ¥52,360.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human Sclerostin 100-49-5 5ug ¥1,050.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human Sclerostin 100-49-20 20ug ¥2,570.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human Sclerostin 100-49-100 100ug ¥12,010.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human Sclerostin 100-49-250 250ug ¥21,020.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human Sclerostin 100-49-500 500ug ¥36,030.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human Sclerostin 100-49-1000 1000ug ¥60,060.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human I-TAC (CXCL11) AF-300-46-5 5ug ¥1,250.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human I-TAC (CXCL11) AF-300-46-20 20ug ¥2,830.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human I-TAC (CXCL11) AF-300-46-50 50ug ¥6,090.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human I-TAC (CXCL11) AF-300-46-100 100ug ¥10,160.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human I-TAC (CXCL11) AF-300-46-250 250ug ¥17,780.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human I-TAC (CXCL11) AF-300-46-500 500ug ¥30,490.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human I-TAC (CXCL11) AF-300-46-1000 1000ug ¥50,820.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human TLR-4 160-06-10 10ug ¥1,050.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human TLR-4 160-06-50 50ug ¥2,570.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human TLR-4 160-06-100 100ug ¥4,620.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human TLR-4 160-06-250 250ug ¥8,080.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human TLR-4 160-06-500 500ug ¥13,860.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human TLR-4 160-06-1000 1000ug ¥23,100.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human sTNF Receptor Type I AF-310-07-5 5ug ¥1,250.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human sTNF Receptor Type I AF-310-07-20 20ug ¥2,830.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human sTNF Receptor Type I AF-310-07-100 100ug ¥10,160.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human sTNF Receptor Type I AF-310-07-250 250ug ¥17,780.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human sTNF Receptor Type I AF-310-07-500 500ug ¥30,490.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human sTNF Receptor Type I AF-310-07-1000 1000ug ¥50,820.00
細(xì)胞因子 Murine IL-36RA 210-36RA-5 5ug ¥1,050.00
細(xì)胞因子 Murine IL-36RA 210-36RA-25 25ug ¥2,570.00
細(xì)胞因子 Murine IL-36RA 210-36RA-100 100ug ¥9,240.00
細(xì)胞因子 Murine IL-36RA 210-36RA-250 250ug ¥16,170.00
細(xì)胞因子 Murine IL-36RA 210-36RA-500 500ug ¥27,720.00
細(xì)胞因子 Murine IL-36RA 210-36RA-1000 1000ug ¥46,200.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Murine IL-21 AF-210-21-2 2ug ¥1,250.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Murine IL-21 AF-210-21-10 10ug ¥2,830.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Murine IL-21 AF-210-21-100 100ug ¥17,550.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Murine IL-21 AF-210-21-250 250ug ¥30,720.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Murine IL-21 AF-210-21-500 500ug ¥52,660.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Murine IL-21 AF-210-21-1000 1000ug ¥87,780.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human Apo-SAA1 AF-300-53-10 10ug ¥1,250.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human Apo-SAA1 AF-300-53-50 50ug ¥2,830.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human Apo-SAA1 AF-300-53-100 100ug ¥5,080.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human Apo-SAA1 AF-300-53-250 250ug ¥8,890.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human Apo-SAA1 AF-300-53-500 500ug ¥15,240.00
無動物成分細(xì)胞因子 Human Apo-SAA1 AF-300-53-1000 1000ug ¥25,410.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human Semaphorin 3A Fc 150-17H-5 5ug ¥1,050.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human Semaphorin 3A Fc 150-17H-25 25ug ¥2,570.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human Semaphorin 3A Fc 150-17H-100 100ug ¥9,240.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human Semaphorin 3A Fc 150-17H-250 250ug ¥16,170.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human Semaphorin 3A Fc 150-17H-500 500ug ¥27,720.00
細(xì)胞因子 Human Semaphorin 3A Fc 150-17H-1000 1000ug ¥46,200.00


制備:Produced from sera of rabbits immunized with highly pure Recombinant Human Amphiregulin. Anti-Human Amphiregulin-specific antibody was purified by affinity chromatography employing an immobilized Human Amphiregulin matrix.

免疫原:E.coli derived Recombinant Human Amphiregulin (PeproTech catalog# 100-55B)

2.兔抗人Amphiregulin多抗 生物素標(biāo)記

制備:Produced from sera of rabbits immunized with highly pure Recombinant Human Amphiregulin. Anti-Human Amphiregulin-specific antibody was purified by affinity chromatography and then biotinylated.

免疫原:E.coli derived Recombinant Human Amphiregulin (PeproTech catalog# 100-55B)


產(chǎn)品描述:Sclerostin, a glycoprotein predominantly secreted by osteocytes, is a member of the Cerberus/DAN family of putative BMP antagonists that functions as an endogenous regulator of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway and an inhibitory regulator of bone homeostasis.Sclerostin’s critical involvement in the regulation of bone formation and resorption is emphasized by two bone dysplasia disorders, sclerosteosis and van Buchem disease (VBD), caused by rare autosomal recessive mutations that result in progressive bone overgrowth and hypermineralization due to markedly decreased sclerostin levels. PeproTech's CHO cell-derived Recombinant Human Sclerostin is a 186-amino-acid-length glycoprotein with a calculated molecular weight of 21.0 kDa.

4.重組人I-TAC (CXCL11)

產(chǎn)品描述:I-TAC is a 'non-ELR' CXC chemokine that is regulated by interferon and signals through the CXCR3 receptor. I-TAC is chemoattractant for IL-2 activated T cells, but does not affect freshly isolated un-stimulated T cells, neutrophils, ormonocytes. Recombinant Human I-TAC (CXCL11) is an 8.3 kDa protein containing 73 amino acid residues, including the four highly conserved cysteine residues present in CXC chemokines. Manufactured using all Animal-Free reagents.


產(chǎn)品描述:Characterized by N-terminal domains rich in leucine repeats and C-terminal intracellular Toll/interleukin (IL)-1 (TIL) domains, the structurally-related members of the Toll-like Receptor (TLR) family are abundantly expressed, transmembrane signaling receptors that play integral roles in the induction of innate and adaptive immunity. As members of the larger family of pattern recognition receptors, TLRs recognize and respond to pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and endogenous damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) by initiating activation of NF-κB and the release of inflammatory mediators.Recombinant Human TLR-4 is a 69.3 kDa glycoprotein containing 609 amino acid residues of the TLR-4 extracellular domain.

6.重組人sTNF Receptor Type I

產(chǎn)品描述:TNFRI belongs to the TNFR superfamily of transmembrane proteins, and is expressed in most cell types. Binding of either TNF-α or TNF-β to TNFRI initiates a signal transduction pathway that results in the activation of the transduction factor NF-κB, whose target genes are involved in the regulation of inflammatory responses, and, in certain cells induce apoptosis. Soluble TNF Receptor I (sTNFRI) is capable of inhibiting TNF-α and TNF-β activities by acting as a decoy receptor that serves as a sink for the TNF ligands. The human TNFRI gene encodes for a 455 amino acid type I transmembrane protein, which contains a 21 amino acid signal sequence, a 190 amino acid extracellular domain, a 23 amino acid transmembrane domain, and a 221 amino acid cytoplasmic domain. Recombinant Human sTNF Receptor Type I is an 18.3 kDa protein (162 amino acid residues) comprising the cysteine-rich, ligand-binding portion of the extracellular domain of the TNFRI protein.


產(chǎn)品描述:The IL-1 family is comprised of 11 structurally related ligands, including the recently re-named IL-36RA (IL-1F5), IL-36α (IL-1F6), IL-36β (IL-1F8), and IL-36γ (IL-1F9). The interaction of IL-36 ligands with the IL-1Rrp2 receptor (IL-1R6) can induce various activities, including dendritic cell maturation and activation. IL-36RA can antagonize the NF-κB signaling induced by either IL-36α, β or γ by binding to the IL-1Rrp2 receptor in a manner that prevents the initiation of functional signaling. Recombinant Murine IL-36RA is an E.coli-derived 16.9 kDa protein containing 154 amino acid residues.


產(chǎn)品描述:IL-21 is a pleiotropic cytokine produced by CD4+ T cells in response to antigenic stimulation. Its action generally enhances antigen-specific responses of immune cells. The biological effects of IL-21 include: inducing the differentiation of T-cell-stimulated B-cells into plasma cells and memory B-cells; the stimulation of IgG production in conjunction with IL-4; and the induction of apoptotic effects in naïve B-cells and stimulated B-cells in the absence of T-cell signaling. Additionally, IL-21 promotes the anti-tumor activity of CD8+ T-cells and NK cells. Recombinant Murine IL-21 is a 15.0 kDa protein consisting of 130 amino acid residues.

9.重組人Human Apo-SAA1

產(chǎn)品描述:Serum amyloid A proteins (SAA) represents a family of apolipoproteins that circulates in association with high-density lipoproteins (HDL). The level of Apo-SAA, normally 1-5 μg/ml in plasma, increases 500-1000 fold within 24 hours of an inflammatory stimulus and, under these conditions, is the most abundant HDL apolipoprotein. The human SAA gene codes for a 122 amino acid nonglycosylated polypeptide, which contains an 18 amino acid N-terminal sequence. Recombinant Human Apo-SAA1 is an 11.7 kDa protein containing 105 amino acid residues.

10.重組人Semaphorin 3A Fc​

產(chǎn)品描述:Semaphorins are a large group of structurally-related, secreted, GPI-anchored, transmembrane, cell-signaling molecules. Semaphorins primarily function as axon growth cone guidance factors during neuronal development. Semaphorin 3A acts as a chemo-repellent to axons, and an inhibitor of the growth of axons by signaling through receptors, Neuropilin-1 and Plexin-A.  PeproTech's CHO cell-derived Recombinant Human Semaphorin 3A Fc is a glycosylated, disulfide-linked homodimer of 1,976 amino acid residues, which includes the SEMA domain, immunoglobulin c2-like domain, and the C-terminal basic Arg/Lys-rich domain of the mature sequence, as well as an 8-residue N-terminal His-tag and a 230-residue C-terminal Fc region linked by two glycines. Recombinant Human Semaphorin 3A Fc has a calculated molecular weight of 226.2 kDa and therefore runs above the 200kDa marker by SDS-PAGE analysis under nonreducing conditions.

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