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美國 MVE 氣相液氮罐 FUSION 即將全新上市

瀏覽次數(shù):10200 發(fā)布日期:2019-1-15  來源:本站 本站原創(chuàng),轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處

美國 MVE 氣相液氮罐FUSION   指導(dǎo)價998000.00元

世界上第一臺自給式氣相液氮罐。MVE 氣相液氮罐FUSION是一種基于冷凍液的生物存儲冷凍。MVE 氣相液氮罐FUSION的設(shè)計目的是提供冷藏能力,在正常運行時不需要液體低溫發(fā)生器。MVE 氣相液氮罐FUSION可用于偏遠(yuǎn)地區(qū)、隔離室、高標(biāo)高設(shè)施以及幾乎或沒有真空夾套管道基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的設(shè)施。MVE 氣相液氮罐FUSION不需要恒定的LN2供應(yīng)。


MVE Fusion Series Freezers

Introducing the MVE Fusion Freezer,
the world’s first self-sustaining cryogenic freezer. The MVE Fusion is a refrigerated liquid-based bio-storage freezer, similar
in appearance and construction to a Chart High Efficiency LN2 freezer. The design of the MVE Fusion is to provide cold storage capabilities, with no need for liquid cryo- gen during normal operation. The MVE Fusion can be used in remote locations, isolated rooms, high elevation facilities, and facilities with little or no vacuum jacketed pipe infrastructures. The MVE Fusion does not require constant LN2 supply.
Features include:
• Self-sustaining
• Dry sample storage
• Lowest liftover height
• Two tier folding step

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