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瀏覽次數(shù):3231 發(fā)布日期:2022-2-11  來(lái)源:本站 本站原創(chuàng),轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

國(guó)際植物表型學(xué)會(huì)(IPPN)瓦赫寧根大學(xué)共同主辦的第7屆國(guó)際植物表型大會(huì)7th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium, IPPS 2022)將于2022年9月26-30日在荷蘭瓦赫寧根舉辦,同期舉辦荷蘭國(guó)家植物表型平臺(tái)(NPEC)開幕典禮。


Plant Phenotyping for a Sustainable Future






IPPS 2022將植物生物學(xué)家、生態(tài)學(xué)家、工程師、農(nóng)學(xué)家和計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)家等多學(xué)科專家匯集在一起,促進(jìn)知識(shí)交流、協(xié)作和創(chuàng)新。IPPS 2022將作為一個(gè)平臺(tái),討論和實(shí)現(xiàn)利用植物表型為可持續(xù)發(fā)展做出貢獻(xiàn)。該會(huì)議匯集了來(lái)自世界各地的杰出演講者,并為來(lái)自私營(yíng)公司和其他合作伙伴提供了絕佳的交流機(jī)會(huì)。


1) Climate change & Photosynthesis

  • Phenotyping for climate change adaptation (heat, drought, salinity etc)

  • Abiotic stress phenotyping

  • Phenotyping for resource use efficiency (water use, nitrogen use, P-use etc)

  • Phenotyping for photosynthetic traits/efficiency (in- & ex-field)

2) Plant Development & Allocation

  • Carbon & nutrient dynamics & root phenotyping

  • Seed & plant organ development

3) Microbiome, ecology & biotic interactions

  • Phenotyping the soil microbiome / biostimulants

  • Phenotyping for biotic stresses, plant diseases and disease resistance

4) Modelling of physiological & ecological processes

  • Phenotyping supported modelling / process-based modelling (e.g. Digital Twins)

5) Food & Bio-economy

  • Phenotyping for future-proofing specific food crops (lab to field, breeding)

  • Phenotyping crops for non-food purposes (ornamentals, forests, feed, fibres)

  • Specialty crops & Horticulture

6) Sensors, Robotics & Automation (technology session)

  • Development of new sensor technology

  • Image based sensors & phenotyping

  • Non-image-based phenotyping

  • Advances in robotics & vectors/ sensor carriers

  • Affordable phenotyping approaches

7) Informatics, Data & Analytics

  • Advancements in data analyses for phenotyping: Statistical modelling & methods

  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

  • FAIR data / metadata / databases / ontologies / standards / harmonization

IPPN還為青年學(xué)者設(shè)置了旅行資助基金(TRAVEL GRANT),將遴選6位杰出的青年學(xué)者,分別給與最多2000歐元的旅行資助。



  • Rene Klein-Lankhorst

  • Rick van de Zedde

  • Judith van Veen-Borsboom


  • Ulrich Schurr,IPPN主席,德國(guó)Julich研究中心

  • Jennifer Clarke,IPPN學(xué)術(shù)分會(huì)主席,內(nèi)布拉斯加大學(xué)林肯分校

  • Vincent Jalink,IPPN工業(yè)分會(huì)主席,PhenoVation公司

  • Rick van de Zedde,IPPN學(xué)術(shù)分會(huì)副主席,瓦赫寧根大學(xué)

  • 韓志國(guó),IPPN工業(yè)分會(huì)副主席,慧諾瑞德(北京)科技有限公司

  • Philipp von Gillhaussen,IPPN運(yùn)營(yíng)經(jīng)理



  • Prof. Fred van Eeuwijk

  • Prof. Leo Marcelis

  • Prof. Luisa Trindade

  • Prof. Christa Testerink

  • Prof. Paul Struik

  • Prof. Eldert van Henten

  • Prof. Corné Pieterse

  • Prof. George Kowalchuk

  • Prof. Mark Aarts

  • Prof. Gerlinde de Deyn

  • Dr. Jeremy Harbinson


  • Stefan Gerth, Fraunhofer (IIS), Germany

  • Robert Koller, Forschungszentrum Juelich (IBG-2), Germany

  • Mark Müller Linow, IBG-2, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

  • David Rousseau, University of Angers, France

  • Thomas Altmann, IPK Gatersleben, Germany

  • April Agee Carroll, Purdue Univ., USA

  • Maxime Bombrun, Scion, New Zealand

  • Lin Cao, Nanjing Forestry University, China

  • David Pont, Scion, New Zealand

  • Tony Pridmore, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

  • Hanno Scharr, IBG-2, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

  • Scott Chapman, CSIRO, Australia

  • Michelle Watt, University of Melbourne, Australia

  • Malcolm Bennett, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

  • Kioumars Ghamkar, AGResearch, New Zealand

  • Heiner Kuhlmann, University Bonn, Germany

  • Gregoire Hummel, Phenospex b.v., Netherlands 


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