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Global XDC 2024第三屆生物偶聯(lián)藥全球創(chuàng)新峰會(huì)通知

瀏覽次數(shù):1711 發(fā)布日期:2024-8-20  來(lái)源:本站 本站原創(chuàng),轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)注明出處

由藥明合聯(lián)WuXi XDC和佰傲谷BioValley共同主辦的2024第三屆生物偶聯(lián)藥全球創(chuàng)新峰會(huì)(Global XDC 2024),將于9月10-12日在無(wú)錫重磅回歸。大會(huì)涵蓋2個(gè)主論壇+4個(gè)分論壇,預(yù)計(jì)參會(huì)企業(yè)300+家,參會(huì)專家100+位,參會(huì)觀眾1000+人。大會(huì)以“探索偶聯(lián)藥的無(wú)限可能”為主題,將聚焦于新靶點(diǎn)發(fā)現(xiàn)與驗(yàn)證、ADC和新型偶聯(lián)藥物創(chuàng)新技術(shù)、載荷-連接子新技術(shù),以及CMC挑戰(zhàn)和商業(yè)化策略等內(nèi)容,探索前沿技術(shù)進(jìn)步、分享國(guó)際優(yōu)秀生物科技公司的創(chuàng)新經(jīng)驗(yàn)、引領(lǐng)ADC和XDC的新未來(lái)!


Keynote Speech

* Rina-S-the missing link(er) 
* Protein homeostasis by dual-precision targeted protein degradation and stabilization 
* A novel dual-payload ADC platform to overcome payload resistance and maximize therapeutic promise of ADCs 
* MYTX-011: a cMET-targeting ADC engineered for anti-tumor activity against a broader spectrum of cMET expression
* NTX1105: development of a best-in-class ADC targeting Nectin-4 
* Collaborating within the global life science ecosystem to advance breakthrough science
論壇一:Next generation ADCs: Novel targets, payloads, payload-linkers, and conjugation technologies
* Next generation ADCs: novel targets, payloads, linkers and conjugation technologies
* Nexatecan™: OHPAS-able Topo1 inhibitor for ADC
* Introduction to PINOT-ADC platform: novel Top1 inhibitor payload, tandem cleavable and super-hydrophilic linker,   and dual payload system
* Versatile drug bundle-based ADC platform: achieving site-specific conjugation, DAR of 8 or 12, and dual payloads
* CS5001, a potential best-in-class ROR1 ADC
* Discovery of AT65474, a highly selective anti-CLDN6 ADC with a proprietary payload
* Polysorbates in biopharmaceuticals-approaches to mitigate risk
論壇二:Bioconjugates development beyond ADCs

* RDC-the exploration of new drug modality in unmet clinical need
* Intra-cellular mutant epitopes-novel targets for ADC and bispecific antibodies?
* GBB’s AI-enabled ecosystem elevating biological drug development
* Developing radiopharmaceuticals targeting CLDN 18.2 with nanobodies
* Fully human common light chain technology for novel ADCs
論壇三:Innovative bioconjugate discovery: from target selection to PreClinical Candidate (PCC)

* Harnessing AbClick Pro® for AT-211: leading CLDN 18.2 ADCs with superior therapeutic index
* An overview on the new topoisomerases inhibitors technologies
* Next generation ADCs:novel targets, payloads, linkers and conjugation technologies
* Challenges and solutions for clinical PK bioanalysis of antibody drug conjugates (ADCs)
論壇四:CMC challenges and commercialization strategies

* CMC scale-up challenges and COGs for site specific ADCs
* Innovative bioassays: translate clinical effects into a rigorous system of XDC product assessment
* The integrated analytical platform enables accelerated CMC development of XDCs
* QbD considerations for ADC process
* How WuXiBio’s Microbial Platform facilitates rapid and cost-effective ADC development and manufacturing
* Non-clinical strategies for ADC drugs

主辦單位:藥明合聯(lián)WuXi XDC、佰傲谷BioValley

定制參展/商務(wù)合作請(qǐng)聯(lián)系:Stephen Sun 15966587556(微信同號(hào))
參會(huì)報(bào)名/媒體合作請(qǐng)聯(lián)系:Abby Jiang 18217659261(微信同號(hào))


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