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Mammalian Cells RPP Services

Mammalian Cells RPP Services

Mammalian Cells RPP Services
Mammalian Cells RPP Services

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服務(wù)商: 北京百普賽斯生物科技有限公司 查看該公司所有服務(wù) >>
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Mammalian cells have great advantages over other host systems on production of recombinant proteins,antibodies and some viral proteins in terms of the ability to get fully funtional proteins with properly folded structure, and complex N-linked and O-linked glycosylation.The comprehensive post-translational modification machinery enables reserachers to get funactional proteins for most applications. Compared with stable cell line, transient expression using CHO or 293 has got a lot of interests in recent years due to its short timeline, low cost and high quality.

ACRObiosystems' rapid protein production(RPP)services are based on transient gene expression using CHO and 293,we can deliver to customers grams level of recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies in a short timeline using our proprietary platforms.
* Risk-free trial for clients.Send DNA sequences via the request form, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Service Specification

Service Content Approaches  Deliverables Timeline

Gene synthesizing
&Palsmid construction

  • In-house developed codon optimization
  • Gene synthesizing and verification
  • Clone to proprietary mammalian expression vector
  • Gene sequencing report
  • Constructed plasmid
20 days
Plasmid preparation
  • E.coli fermentation
  • Large quantity of plasmid preparation using proprietary technology 
  • > 1mg low endotoxin plasmid DNA
2 days
Pilot evaluation of transient expression and purification
  • Mutiple in-house developed chemically defined media/feeds platform screening
  • High throughput purification processe screening via DoE
  • Tag free or removal considerations
  • Expression level
  • Purification process data
4-6 days
Process scale up and prodcution
  • Seeds train expansion,bioreactor run and clarification after harvest
  • Chromatography column purification
  • Analytical assay
  • Milligram to gram purified proteins with quality data
  • Documentation
8-10 days

Overlaped timeline: 2-3 weeks * Timeline of service is adjusted based on clients' requirements;

Quotations and Ordering

You can place the order on line and make the payment with credit card or Paypal. Also you can place the order off-line by phone, email, fax with a formal PO (Purchase Order) or credit card. We recommend that you submit your service requests and orders on line. 

For questions and quotation requests, please submit your on-line request. Our customer specialist will get back to you in 24 hours from Monday through Friday. However, you can also contact us by email, phone, or fax.

Phone: +1 301-825-5518(US)   +44 20-8123-6518(EU)   +86 400-685-2052(AP)
Fax: +1 301-500-2214

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