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【PLUS ID PCR擴增試劑盒價格優(yōu)惠保質(zhì)保量】

【PLUS ID PCR擴增試劑盒價格優(yōu)惠保質(zhì)保量】

AmpFLSTR®®Profiler PLUS®ID PCR擴增試劑盒銷售價格優(yōu)惠,保質(zhì)保量
AmpFLSTR®®Profiler PLUS®ID PCR擴增試劑盒銷售價格優(yōu)惠,保質(zhì)保量
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AmpFLSTR®®Profiler PLUS®ID PCR擴增試劑盒銷售價格優(yōu)惠,保質(zhì)保量
The AmpFLSTR® Profiler Plus® ID kit uses the same primers as the proven, reliable Profiler Plus® kit and includes an additional single unlabeled primer for the D8S1179 locus. The inclusion of the unlabeled primer addresses a primer binding site mutation observed in a population of Chamorros and Filipinos from Guam, allowing the amplification of those alleles in samples containing this variant.

Key Features of the AmpFLSTR® Profiler Plus® ID Kit:

• Amplifies nine short tandem repeat (STR) loci and Amelogenin in a single PCR amplification 
• Utilizes the same primers as the proven, reliable Profiler Plus® kit and includes the same unlabeled D8S1179 primer included in the high-throughput Identifiler® kit 
• Part of a complete system including reagents, ABI PRISM® genetic analysis instrumentation, software, technical support, and specific license rights for forensic, paternity, and research use

Integrated Solutions
Applied Biosystems® leads the way in developing integrated systems for human identification by offering fully integrated solutions consisting of reagents, instruments, and software along with technical training and support services. Our AmpFLSTR® kits combine PCR chemistry and multicolor fluorescent short tandem repeat (STR) analysis, offering the most powerful human identification systems available.

1. Budowle B., et al. 2000. STR allele concordance between different primer sets—A brief summary. Profiles in DNA 3(3):10-11.

Note: For Forensic or Paternity Use Only.

Important Notice

The purchase of this product conveys to the buyer the non-transferable license to use the purchased amount of the product only for forensic or paternity testing conducted by the buyer. This license does not include, as ruled by a U.S. Court, a license to use this product in chimerism determination or analysis, molar specimens classification, cell line authentication, determination of fetal sex, cancer analysis, genetic research, non-casework-related forensic applications (such as general research in forensics or teaching and training persons not employed in a forensic laboratory), identifying or determining maternal cell contamination, or sample tracking. Further rights can be obtained by contacting Promega Corp., 2800 Woods Hollow Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA.




100 tests

 AmpFLSTR®®Profiler PLUS®ID PCR擴增試劑盒銷售價格優(yōu)惠,保質(zhì)保量

  • 規(guī)格
  • 手冊
  • MSDSs
  • COA




Genetic Analyzer 3100-Avant™, 

Genetic Analyzer 310, 

3500 Genetic Analyzer, 

GeneAmp® 9600, 

GeneAmp® 9700, 

3500xL Genetic Analyzer, 

3730 DNA Analyzer, 

3130xl Genetic Analyzer 


STR (Short Tandem Repeat) Analysis 


AmpliTaq Gold® DNA Polymerase 

Label or Dye:





Product Size:

100 tests 

Amplicon Size:

<350 bp 

Sample Volume:

50 µl⁄reaction 

Reaction Format:

SuperMix or Master Mix 

Sample Type (Specific):

Forensic Sample, 

DNA (Genomic) 

Matrix and Size Standards:

Matrix Standard Set DS-32, 

GeneScan™ 500 ROX™ Internal Lane Size Standard 

Shipping Condition:

Dry Ice 

Regulatory Statement:

For Forensic or Paternity Use Only. 


• PCR Reaction Mix (store at 2 to 8°C)
• Profiler Plus® ID Primer Set (store at 2 to 8°C, protect from light)
• AmpliTaq Gold® DNA Polymerase (store at -15 to -25°C)
• Control DNA (store at 2 to 8°C)
• Profiler Plus® Allelic Ladder (store at 2 to 8°C, protect from light)




  • Letter: Changes to the Allelic Ladder Manufacturing 
  • Letter: Update on Kit Manufacturing Process 
  • Manual: AmpFLSTR® Profiler Plus™ ID PCR Amplification Kit: User Bulletin: Rev D (English )
  • User Guide: AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus and Profiler Plus ID PCR Amplification Kits
  • Protocol: AmpFLSTR® Profiler Plus® ID PCR Amplification Kit (English )


  • 361676
  • 361680
  • 4330290
  • 4373673
  • 4385214


  • 批號: 1212065
  • 批號: 1211064
  • 批號: 1207063
  • 批號: 1205062
  • 批號: 1202060
  • 批號: 1111059
  • 批號: 1105058
  • 批號: 1103057
  • 批號: 1103056
  • 批號: 1101055
  • 批號: 1012054
  • 批號: 1009053
  • 批號: 1008052
  • 批號: 1002051
  • 批號: 1002050
  • 批號: 0912049
  • 批號: 0910048
  • 批號: 0908047
  • 批號: 0905045
  • 批號: 0903043
  • AmpFLSTR®®Profiler PLUS®ID PCR擴增試劑盒銷售價格優(yōu)惠,保質(zhì)保量
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