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瀏覽次數(shù):1133 發(fā)布日期:2020-2-14  來源:本站 僅供參考,謝絕轉載,否則責任自負



文章題為High-Throughput Measurements of Stem Characteristics to Estimate Ear Density and Above-Ground Biomass,即用于估計穗密度和地上生物量的莖特征高通量測量方法。

Plant Phenomics刊發(fā)了由法國國家農(nóng)業(yè)科學研究院(INRA、Hiphen公司)和中國農(nóng)業(yè)科學院作物研究所金秀良博士等人撰寫的題為High-Throughput Measurements of Stem Characteristics to Estimate Ear Density and Above-Ground Biomass的研究論文,介紹了用于估計穗密度和地上生物量的莖特征高通量測量方法。




Visual stem identification. Each stem identified corresponds to a green bounding box.



Application of the stem detection using Faster-RCNN algorithm to an image extract in Gréoux. Each yellow bounding box corresponds to the identified stem and is associated with its score corresponding to the probability of containing a stem.





How to Cite this Article

Xiuliang Jin, Simon Madec, Dan Dutartre, Benoit de Solan, Alexis Comar, and Frédéric Baret, “High-Throughput Measurements of Stem Characteristics to Estimate Ear Density and Above-Ground Biomass,” Plant Phenomics, vol. 2019, Article ID 4820305, 10 pages, 2019. https://doi.org/10.34133/2019/4820305.

High-Throughput Measurements of Stem Characteristics to Estimate Ear Density and Above-Ground Biomass


Total above-ground biomass at harvest and ear density are two important traits that characterize wheat genotypes. Two experiments were carried out in two different sites where several genotypes were grown under contrasted irrigation and nitrogen treatments. A high spatial resolution RGB camera was used to capture the residual stems standing straight after the cutting by the combine machine during harvest. It provided a ground spatial resolution better than 0.2 mm. A Faster Regional Convolutional Neural Network (Faster-RCNN) deep-learning model was first trained to identify the stems cross section. Results showed that the identification provided precision and recall close to 95%. Further, the balance between precision and recall allowed getting accurate estimates of the stem density with a relative RMSE close to 7% and robustness across the two experimental sites. The estimated stem density was also compared with the ear density measured in the field with traditional methods. A very high correlation was found with almost no bias, indicating that the stem density could be a good proxy of the ear density. The heritability/repeatability evaluated over 16 genotypes in one of the two experiments was slightly higher (80%) than that of the ear density (78%). The diameter of each stem was computed from the profile of gray values in the extracts of the stem cross section. Results show that the stem diameters follow a gamma distribution over each microplot with an average diameter close to 2.0 mm. Finally, the biovolume computed as the product of the average stem diameter, the stem density, and plant height is closely related to the above-ground biomass at harvest with a relative RMSE of 6%. Possible limitations of the findings and future applications are finally discussed.


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