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瀏覽次數(shù):907 發(fā)布日期:2021-8-30  來源:本站 僅供參考,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載,否則責(zé)任自負(fù)

來自以色列的科學(xué)利用Plantarray高通量植物生理表型平臺和植物逆境生物學(xué)生理研究平臺發(fā)表了題為Predicting tomato field-yield using continuous monitoring of young tomato water status的文章。目前利用該系統(tǒng)已經(jīng)在主流期刊上發(fā)表了近40篇文章,典型客戶包括以色列希伯來大學(xué)和荷蘭瓦赫寧根大學(xué)等等。




為了解決在田間預(yù)測番茄產(chǎn)量面對的挑戰(zhàn),我們使用全植物功能表型平臺來評估在灌溉和干旱條件下的水分關(guān)系。已知所測試的基因型在濕田和干田中表現(xiàn)出產(chǎn)量的變異性。所檢測的品系包括兩個具有影響類胡蘿卜素生物合成的隱性突變的品系,zeta z2083和tangerine t3406,這兩個品系均與加工番茄品種M82同源。將這兩個突變體系相互嫁接到M82上,并在溫室中連續(xù)測定干旱處理前后以及干旱處理前后的多種生理特性。溫室和田間產(chǎn)量的對比分析表明,早晨的整個冠層氣孔導(dǎo)度(gsc)和累積蒸騰作用(CT)與田間總產(chǎn)量(TY:r2分別為0.9和0.77)和植物營養(yǎng)體重量(PW:r2分別為0.6和0.94)密切相關(guān)。此外,干旱期間的最小CT和恢復(fù)灌溉時的恢復(fù)率都可以用于預(yù)測恢復(fù)力。


Predicting tomato field-yield using continuous monitoring of young tomato water status


Sanbon Chaka Gosa, Amit Koch, Itamar Shenhar, Joseph Hirschberg, Dani Zamir, Menachem Moshelion



To address the challenge of predicting tomato yields in the field, we used whole-plant functional phenotyping to evaluate water relations under well-irrigated and drought conditions. The genotypes tested are known to exhibit variability in their yields in wet and dry fields. The examined lines included two lines with recessive mutations that affect carotenoid biosynthesis, zeta z2083 and tangerine t3406, both isogenic to the processing tomato variety M82. The two mutant lines were reciprocally grafted onto M82 and multiple physiological characteristics were measured continuously, as well as before, during and after drought treatment in the greenhouse. A comparative analysis of greenhouse and field yields showed that the whole-canopy stomatal conductance (gsc) in the morning and cumulative transpiration (CT) were strongly correlated with field measurements of total yield (TY: r2 = 0.9 and 0.77, respectively) and plant vegetative weight (PW: r2 = 0.6 and 0.94, respectively). Furthermore, the minimum CT during drought and the rate of recovery when irrigation was resumed were both found to predict resilience.


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