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瀏覽次數:1166 發(fā)布日期:2022-6-28  來源:知乎

Coupling Chemical Analysis to High Resolution Microscopy for Enhanced Physicochemical Characterization of Drug Products Containing Nanomaterials and Other Complex Formulations

Sheetal D’Mello, Mamta Kapoor, Katherine Tyner, Sau (Larry) Lee

Office of Pharmaceutical Quality, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research,
Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD 20993








Outlined below are some example hyperspectral images and associated data from a RESTASIS® sample. This data was captured separately from the FDA work but is illustrative of the ability to capture hyperspectral images and conduct image analysis as well as identify and spectrally map the API within the emulsion vector.

Outlined below are some example hyperspectral images and associated data from a RESTASIS® sample. This data was captured separately from the FDA work but is illustrative of the ability to capture hyperspectral images and conduct image analysis as well as identify and spectrally map the API within the emulsion vector.

Figure 4: 60x Hyperspectral Image of RESTASIS Sample.

Figure 5: 4X Digital Zoom Hyperspectral Image.

Figure 6: Example Spectrum of the API (red) and Emulsion (white).

Figure 7: Spectral Mapping of the API Spectra Throughout the Entire Image. Note That Most Mapping of the API Occurs Inside of the Emulsion.

In Figure 6 above, example spectrum from pixel areas of the emulsion chemistry and API are illustrated. There is a distinct red-shift of the API spectrum, which is ~100 nm difference at the peak wavelength versus that of the emulsion edge spectrum. Based on this difference, a spectral library of the API spectrum is created and tested against a negative control and is then used to conduct spectral mapping of all pixels matching the spectrum of the API in the image shown in Figure 7.




CytoViva納米高光譜成像技術2005年一經面市,就在2006年和2007年連續(xù)兩屆獲得著名的R&D100大獎,07年同年獲得Nano50TM獎,在09年獲得了兩項美國專利,專利號7542203和7564623,并迅速得到全球各個國家重點實驗室、科研機構及大型制藥企業(yè)的認可,包括FDA, NASA, NIST, NIH, EPA, USDA, NIOSH, Lawrence Berkeley Labs, Dow Chemical,Merck, Johnson& Johnson, Stanford, Duke, Harvard等等。

The application above is just one of many successful examples of drug delivery vector analysis that has been conducted utilizing CytoViva’s enhanced darkfield hyperspectral microscopy system to provide visual spatial and spectral context concerning the interaction between an API and its delivery vector.

Finally, CytoViva’s enhanced nano-scale hyperspectral imaging has recently been integrated with full-featured Raman imaging on the same microscope platform. This enables cross-correlation between the two techniques of an identical area of a sample. More information regarding this integration of fully featured Raman and broadband hyperspectral microscopy will be outlined in a separate white paper.



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