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瀏覽次數(shù):1915 發(fā)布日期:2022-6-29  來源:賽多利斯

可見,有至少70個(gè)單位用到了Octet®,其中,中國藥科大學(xué)、上海生化所和上海藥物所是前五個(gè)月發(fā)表數(shù)量TOP3(>5篇),另外復(fù)旦大學(xué)、西湖大學(xué)、澳門科技大學(xué)、中國海洋大學(xué)等也發(fā)表了多篇文章。其中不乏優(yōu)質(zhì)文章,僅CNS就達(dá)到5篇!(5篇CNS | Octet®第一季度國內(nèi)研究成果鑒賞)

該研究發(fā)現(xiàn)了第一個(gè)來源于微生物天然產(chǎn)物的PROTAC分子(蛋白降解靶向聯(lián)合體)APL-16-5,同時(shí)結(jié)合 E3 泛素連接酶 TRIM25 和流感病毒 PA 亞基,基于 PROTAC 機(jī)制,誘導(dǎo)TRIM25依賴的PA泛素化及其降解,阻斷病毒RNA復(fù)制,具有良好的體內(nèi)抗甲型流感病毒活性。表明微生物代謝產(chǎn)物可成為發(fā)現(xiàn)天然PROTAC分子的重要來源。Octet®用來檢測APL-16-5與TRIM25和PA的結(jié)合。

小分子 DC371739在多種動(dòng)物模型中能夠同時(shí)顯著降低血漿中總膽固醇、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇和甘油三酯水平,并且在1期臨床試驗(yàn)(NCT04927221)中顯示出初步陽性效果和良好的耐受性。從機(jī)制上來說,DC371739與其他已知的降血脂藥物不同,它是通過直接與 HNF-1α 結(jié)合來阻止 PCSK9 和 ANGPTL3 的轉(zhuǎn)錄,從而發(fā)揮降血脂作用。Octet®檢測HNF-1α與藥物的結(jié)合。
Octet® BLI檢測結(jié)果顯示,HNF-1α與藥物的親和力在μM級別

BET(Bromodomain and Extra-Terminal Domain)家族成員包括BRD2、BRD3、BRD4和BRDT,每個(gè)家族成員都具有兩個(gè)N端串聯(lián)的溴結(jié)構(gòu)域(BD1和BD2)。BET蛋白作為轉(zhuǎn)錄調(diào)控的閱讀器,與癌癥、炎癥等多種疾病的發(fā)生發(fā)展密切相關(guān)。第一代BET抑制劑(Pan BET)對BD1和BD2溴結(jié)構(gòu)域不具備選擇性,導(dǎo)致在臨床試驗(yàn)中出現(xiàn)血小板減少、腹瀉、惡心嘔吐等毒副作用。本研究采用基于結(jié)構(gòu)的藥物設(shè)計(jì)策略,結(jié)合結(jié)構(gòu)生物學(xué)研究開展了深入的構(gòu)效關(guān)系討論,最終獲得了成藥性良好的化合物XY153(8l)。XY153對BRD4 BD2表現(xiàn)出強(qiáng)結(jié)合活性,用Octet®檢測可以達(dá)到nM級別的親和力,IC50達(dá)到0.79 nM,BD2選擇性倍數(shù)為354倍。該研究為開發(fā)針對急性髓性白血病的藥物提供了新的候選分子。

雄激素受體(AR)是前列腺癌藥物研發(fā)的重要靶標(biāo)。靶向AR AF2位點(diǎn)的小分子可以直接阻斷共激活因子與AR的結(jié)合。該研究通過分子對接聯(lián)合MM/GBSA重打分雙層篩選策略開發(fā)了一系列具有N-(4-(芐氧基)-苯基)-磺酰胺骨架的AR AF2拮抗劑。其中,化合物T1-12顯示出優(yōu)異的AR拮抗活性。隨后,Octet®小分子蛋白互作分析系統(tǒng)分別測試了小分子T1-12、恩雜魯胺和SRC2-3多肽分別與AR LBD蛋白和AR LBD-DHT復(fù)合物的親和力,根據(jù)體系間親和力和作用模式差異驗(yàn)證小分子T1-12作用于AR AF2位點(diǎn)。
BLI結(jié)果顯示,Octet®與AR LBD的AF2位點(diǎn)結(jié)合
  • 非標(biāo)記Direct Binding是趨勢,它的結(jié)果更準(zhǔn)確
  • 快速測定親和力,更加定量化對互作進(jìn)行表征
  • 無洗滌步驟,可測弱親和力(解離快)
  • 測試時(shí)間短,一般10分鐘,更快拿到結(jié)果!
  • 實(shí)驗(yàn)形式多樣化:定性,兩者結(jié)合,協(xié)同/競爭實(shí)驗(yàn),垂釣
  • 寫入了美國藥典,文章多,認(rèn)可度廣
  • 萬金油技術(shù),可以用與檢測DNA、小分子、蛋白等各種生物分子
  • 使用方便,成本相對低
Octet® 分子互作分析系統(tǒng)


-2022前五個(gè)月國內(nèi)文獻(xiàn)列表 -

Galactofuranose side chains in galactomannans from Penicillium spp. modulate galectin-8-mediated bioactivity.Carbohydrate Polymers Volume 292, 15 September 2022, 119677

Repurposing of berbamine hydrochloride to inhibit Ebola virus by targeting viral glycoprotein.Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B Available online 25 May 2022

Discovery of non-substrate, environmentally sensitive turn-on fluorescent probes for imaging HDAC8 in tumor cells and tissue slices.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Volume 68, 15 August 2022, 116821

Discovery of honokiol thioethers containing 1,3,4-oxadiazole moieties as potential α-glucosidase and SARS-CoV-2 entry inhibitors.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Volume 67, 1 August 2022, 116838

Tereticornate A suppresses RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis via the downregulation of c-Src and TRAF6 and the inhibition of RANK signaling pathways.Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy Volume 151, July 2022, 113140

Functional, structural and molecular characterizations of leukemogenic driver MEF2D-HNRNPUL1 fusion.blood

The truncated MyD88s negatively regulates TLR2 signal on expression of IL17-1 in oyster Crassostrea gigas.Developmental & Comparative Immunology Volume 133, August 2022, 104446

Development of a colorimetric aptasensor fabricated with a group-specific aptamer and AuNPs@Fe2+ nanozyme for simultaneous detection of multiple diarrheic shellfish poisons.Talanta Volume 246, 15 August 2022, 123534

Epigenetic regulation of the DNMT1/MT1G/KLF4/CA9 axis synergises the anticancer effects of sorafenib in hepatocellular carcinoma.Pharmacological Research Volume 180, June 2022, 106244

Development and characterization of a novel mouse anti-canine oncostatin M receptor beta monoclonal antibody.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Volume 614, 23 July 2022, Pages 114-119

Gasdermin D mediates doxorubicin-induced cardiomyocyte pyroptosis and cardiotoxicity via directly binding to doxorubicin and changes in mitochondrial damage.Translational Research Available online 8 May 2022

Discovery of 2-((2-methylbenzyl)thio)-6-oxo-4-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-1,6-dihydropyrimidine-5-carbonitrile as a novel and effective bromodomain and extra-terminal (BET) inhibitor for the treatment of sepsis.European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Volume 238, 5 August 2022, 114423

Ginkgolide B targets and inhibits creatine kinase B to regulate the CCT/TRiC-SK1 axis and exerts pro-angiogenic activity in middle cerebral artery occlusion mice.Pharmacological Research, Volume 180, June 2022, 106240

Design, synthesis and antitumor evaluation of novel 1H-indole-2-carboxylic acid derivatives targeting 14-3-3η protein.European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Volume 238, 5 August 2022, 114402

A highly stable human single-domain antibody-drug conjugate exhibits superior penetration and treatment of solid tumors.Molecular Therapy, Available online 22 April 2022

Agrimonolide inhibits cancer progression and induces ferroptosis and apoptosis by targeting SCD1 in ovarian cancer cells.Phytomedicine, Volume 101, July 2022, 154102

Isolation, characterization, and structure-based engineering of a neutralizing nanobody against SARS-CoV-2.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 209, Part A, 1 June 2022, Pages 1379-1388

Structures of Omicron spike complexes and implications for neutralizing antibody development.Cell Reports, Volume 39, Issue 5, 3 May 2022, 110770

Identification and evaluation of a lipid-lowering small compound in preclinical models and in a Phase I trial.Cell Metabolism, Volume 34, Issue 5, 3 May 2022, Pages 667-680.e6

The mouse nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase chaperones diverse pathological amyloid client proteins.JBC,Volume 298, Issue 5, May 2022, 101912

Identification of putative binding interface of PI(3,5)P2 lipid on rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV) P10 protein.Virology, Volume 570, May 2022, Pages 81-95

Construction of a high affinity aptamer and an aptasensor with chitosan oligosaccharide-AuNPs@Fe2+ nanozyme for highly sensitive detection of phosphatidylserine.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 362, 1 July 2022, 131800

Niloticin inhibits osteoclastogenesis by blocking RANKL–RANK interaction and suppressing the AKT, MAPK, and NF-κB signaling pathways.Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 149, May 2022, 112902

Interfering effects on the bioactivities of several key proteins of COVID-19/variants in diabetes by compounds from Lianqiao leaves: In silico and in vitro analyses.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 207, 15 May 2022, Pages 715-729

Higher affinity of polyphenol to zein than to amyloid fibrils leading to nanoparticle-embed network wall scaffold to construct amyloid fibril-zein-EGCG hydrogels for coating of beef.Food Research International, Volume 156, June 2022, 111187

Half-Life Extension Enhances Drug Efficacy in Adeno-Associated Virus Delivered Gene Therapy.Engineering, Available online 22 March 2022

A novel inhibitor of monooxygenase reversed the activity of tetracyclines against tet(X3)/tet(X4)-positive bacteria.eBioMedicine, Volume 78, April 2022, 103943

TFPI is a colonic crypt receptor for TcdB from hypervirulent clade 2 C. difficile.cell

RBD trimer mRNA vaccine elicits broad and protective immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 variants.iScience, Volume 25, Issue 4, 15 April 2022, 104043

Broad neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 variants by an inhalable bispecific single-domain antibody.CELL

Structural basis of nanobodies neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 variants.Structure, Volume 30, Issue 5, 5 May 2022, Pages 707-720.e5

Kappa-RBD produced by glycoengineered Pichia pastoris elicited high neutralizing antibody titers against pseudoviruses of SARS-CoV-2 variants.Virology, Volume 569, April 2022, Pages 56-63

Atomic zinc sites with hierarchical porous carbon for high-throughput chemical screening with high loading capacity and stability.Pharmacological Research, Volume 178, April 2022, 106154

CgATP synthase β subunit involved in the regulation of haemocytes proliferation as a CgAstakine receptor in Crassostrea gigas.Fish & Shellfish Immunology, Volume 123, April 2022, Pages 85-93

A highly immunogenic live-attenuated vaccine candidate prevents SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission in hamsters.The Innovation, Volume 3, Issue 2, 29 March 2022, 100221

Small-molecule albumin ligand modification to enhance the anti-diabetic ability of GLP-1 derivatives.Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 148, April 2022, 112722

Biomimetic ion nanochannels for sensing umami substances.Biomaterials, Volume 282, March 2022, 121418

Motif-dependent immune co-receptor interactome profiling by photoaffinity chemical proteomics.Cell Chemical Biology

Double amplification upon immuno-gold nanoparticles promoted trace measurement of ricin by biolayer interferometry.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 358, 1 May 2022, 131472

Esculentoside A alleviates cognitive deficits and amyloid pathology through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ-dependent mechanism in an Alzheimer's disease model.Phytomedicine, Volume 98, April 2022, 153956

Dual-functional significance of ATM-mediated phosphorylation of spindle assembly checkpoint component Bub3 in mitosis and the DNA damage response.Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 298, Issue 3, March 2022, 101632

Aptamer truncation strategy assisted by molecular docking and sensitive detection of T-2 toxin using SYBR Green I as a signal amplifier.Food Chemistry, Volume 381, 1 July 2022, 132171

ERF4 affects fruit ripening by acting as a JAZ interactor between ethylene and jasmonic acid hormone signaling pathways.Horticultural Plant Journal, Available online 13 January 2022

Enrichment of IgG and HRP glycoprotein by dipeptide-based polymeric material.Talanta, Volume 241, 1 May 2022, 123223

Multiple functionalities of functional nucleic acids for developing high-performance lateral flow assays.TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Volume 148, March 2022, 116529

Deoxyhypusine hydroxylase as a novel pharmacological target for ischemic stroke via inducing a unique post-translational hypusination modification.Pharmacological Research, Volume 176, February 2022, 106046

Organic NIR-II dyes with ultralong circulation persistence for image-guided delivery and therapy.Journal of Controlled Release, Volume 342, February 2022, Pages 157-169

Design and synthesis of dual inhibitors targeting snail and histone deacetylase for the treatment of solid tumour cancer.European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 229, 5 February 2022, 114082

Structural and biochemical mechanism for increased infectivity and immune evasion of Omicron BA.2 variant compared to BA.1 and their possible mouse origins.Cell Research (2022)

A genetic engineering strategy for editing near-infrared-II fluorophores.Nature Communications volume 13

Insights into the client protein release mechanism of the ATP-independent chaperone Spy.Nature Communications volume 13

Structure-guided affinity maturation of a novel human antibody targeting the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein.Scientific Reports volume 12,

Quadrivalent mosaic HexaPro-bearing nanoparticle vaccine protects against infection of SARS-CoV-2 variants.Nature Communications volume 13

Unique binding pattern for a lineage of human antibodies with broad reactivity against influenza A virus.Nature Communications volume 13

Novel sarbecovirus bispecific neutralizing antibodies with exceptional breadth and potency against currently circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants and sarbecoviruses.Cell Discovery volume 8

An anti-influenza A virus microbial metabolite acts by degrading viral endonuclease PA.Nature Communications volume 13

T cells expressing CD5/CD7 bispecific chimeric antigen receptors with fully human heavy-chain-only domains mitigate tumor antigen escape.Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy volume 7

RNA G-quadruplex in TMPRSS2 reduces SARS-CoV-2 infection.Nature Communications volume 13

Molecular basis of receptor binding and antibody neutralization of Omicron.NATURE

Structural basis for SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant recognition of ACE2 receptor and broadly neutralizing antibodies.Nature Communications volume 13

ACE2-Targeting antibody suppresses SARS-CoV-2 Omicron and Delta variants.Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy volume 7

Parallel profiling of antigenicity alteration and immune escape of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron and other variant.Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy volume 7

Memory B cell repertoire from triple vaccinees against diverse SARS-CoV-2 variants.NATURE

Microbial-Catalyzed Baeyer–Villiger Oxidation for 3,4-seco-Triterpenoids as Potential HMGB1 Inhibitors.ACS Omega 2022

Antibiotic-Like Activity of Atomic Layer Boron Nitride for Combating Resistant Bacteria.ACS Nano 2022, 16, 5, 7674–7688

Structure-Based Discovery and Optimization of Furo[3,2-c]pyridin-4(5H)-one Derivatives as Potent and Second Bromodomain (BD2)-Selective Bromo and Extra Terminal Domain (BET) Inhibitors.J. Med. Chem. 2022, 65, 7, 5760–5799

Heterogeneous Iron Oxide/Dysprosium Oxide Nanoparticles Target Liver for Precise Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Liver Fibrosis.ACS Nano 2022, 16, 4, 5647–5659

Target Fishing Reveals a Novel Mechanism of 1,2,4-Oxadiazole Derivatives Targeting Rpn6, a Subunit of 26S Proteasome.J. Med. Chem. 2022, 65, 6, 5029–5043

Covalently Engineered Protein Minibinders with Enhanced Neutralization Efficacy against Escaping SARS-CoV-2 Variants.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 13, 5702–5707

Identification of Adenylate Kinase 5 as a Protein Target of Ginsenosides in Brain Tissues Using Mass Spectrometry-Based Drug Affinity Responsive Target Stability (DARTS) and Cellular Thermal Shift Assay (CETSA) Techniques.J. Agric. Food Chem. 2022, 70, 8, 2741–2751

Discovery of N-(4-(Benzyloxy)-phenyl)-sulfonamide Derivatives as Novel Antagonists of the Human Androgen Receptor Targeting the Activation Function 2.J. Med. Chem. 2022, 65, 3, 2507–2521

PD-L1/TIGIT bispecific antibody showed survival advantage in animal model.https://doi.org/10.1002/ctm2.754

Blockade of mIL-6R alleviated lipopolysaccharide-induced systemic inflammatory response syndrome by suppressing NF-κB-mediated Ccl2 expression and inflammasome activation. https://doi.org/10.1002/mco2.132

Generation and characterization of humanized synergistic neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. https://doi.org/10.1002/jmv.27801

Analgesic effects of nerve growth factor-directed monoclonal antibody on diabetic neuralgia in an animal model.https://doi.org/10.1002/2211-5463.13410

Potent Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Efficacy of COVID-19 Hyperimmune Globulin from Vaccine-Immunized Plasma. https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202104333

A Hybrid Supramolecular Polymeric Nanomedicine for Cascade-Amplified Synergetic Cancer Therapy.https://doi.org/10.1002/ange.202203786

HER2/PD1 bispecific antibody in IgG4 subclass with superior anti-tumour activities.https://doi.org/10.1002/ctm2.791

Identification of Ziyuglycoside II from a Natural Products Library as a STING Agonist. https://doi.org/10.1002/cmdc.202100719

Acridinium-conjugated aromatic heterocycles as highly potent FtsZ inhibitors: Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation.https://doi.org/10.1002/ardp.202100400

A novel transcriptional activation mechanism of inulinase gene in Kluyveromyces marxianus involving a glycolysis regulator KmGcr1p with unique and functional Q-rich repeats.https://doi.org/10.1111/mmi.14889

Synthesis and identification of lithocholic acid 3-sulfate as RORγt ligand to inhibit Th17 cell differentiation.https://doi.org/10.1002/JLB.1MA0122-513R

Structural characteristics of Heparan sulfate required for the binding with the virus processing Enzyme Furin.Glycoconjugate Journal volume 39, pages315–325 (2022)

Novel contact–kinin inhibitor sylvestin targets thromboinflammation and ameliorates ischemic stroke.Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences volume 79

Development of a Label-Free Colorimetric Aptasensor with Rationally Utilized Aptamer for Rapid Detection of Okadaic Acid.Journal of Ocean University of China volume 21, pages400–408 (2022)

A novel insight into mechanism of derangement of coagulation balance: interactions of quantum dots with coagulation-related proteins.Particle and Fibre Toxicology volume 19, Article number: 17 (2022) 

Discovery of a Natural Product with Potent Efficacy Against SARS-CoV-2 by Drug Screening.Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences volume 14, pages55–63 (2022)

LAP2α preserves genome integrity through assisting RPA deposition on damaged chromatin.Genome Biology volume 23, Article number: 64 (2022) 

Combined strategies for effective cancer immunotherapy with a novel anti-CD47 monoclonal antibody.Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy volume 71, pages353–363 (2022)

A novel tumor-homing TRAIL variant eradicates tumor xenografts of refractory colorectal cancer cells in combination with tumor cell-targeted photodynamic therapy.Drug Delivery, Volume 29, 2022 - Issue 1

Methylparaben as a preservative in the development of a multi-dose HPV-2 vaccine.Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 

5,2′-Dibromo-2,4′,5′-trihydroxydiphenylmethanone Inhibits LPS-Induced Vascular Inflammation by Targeting the Cav1 Protein.Molecules 2022, 27(9), 2884

PD‐L1/TIGIT bispecific antibody showed survival advantage in animal model.Clin Transl Med. 2022 May; 12(5): e754.

An automated, rapid fluorescent immunoassay to quantify serum soluble programmed death-1 (PD-1) protein using testing-on-a-probe biosensors. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM)

Ultrapotent neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 with a high degree of mutation resistance.JCI

High Mannose-Specific Aptamers for Broad-Spectrum Virus Inhibition and Cancer Targeting.https://doi.org/10.31635/ccschem.022.202101747

Selection, Characterization, and Optimization of DNA Aptamers against Challenging Marine Biotoxin Gymnodimine-A for Biosensing Application.Toxins 2022, 14(3), 195

Flotillin 2 Facilitates the Infection of a Plant Virus in the Gut of Insect Vector.DOI:https://doi.org/10.1128/jvi.02140-21

A Five-Helix-Based SARS-CoV-2 Fusion Inhibitor Targeting Heptad Repeat 2 Domain against SARS-CoV-2 and Its Variants of Concern.Viruses 2022, 14(3), 597

Elucidating the Novel Mechanism of Ligustrazine in Preventing Postoperative Peritoneal Adhesion Formation.https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9226022

Structural Characterization of RC28-E, a Recombinant Fusion Protein With Dual Targets on VEGF and FGF2.https://doi.org/10.1177/1934578X221086989

Mucoadhesive Nucleoside-Based Hydrogel Delays Oral Leukoplakia Canceration.https://doi.org/10.1177/00220345221085192

TIM-1 Augments Cellular Entry of Ebola Virus Species and Mutants, Which Is Blocked by Recombinant TIM-1 Protein.DOI:https://doi.org/10.1128/spectrum.02212-21

An Innovative Site-Specific Anti-HER2 Antibody-Drug Conjugate with High Homogeneity and Improved Therapeutic Index.Onco Targets Ther. 2022; 15: 331–343.

ROS1 promotes low temperature-induced anthocyanin accumulation in apple by demethylating the promoter of anthocyanin-associated genes.Horticulture Research, Volume 9, 2022

Extracellular Vesicle Delivery of Neferine for the Attenuation of Neurodegenerative Disease Proteins and Motor Deficit in an Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model.Pharmaceuticals 2022, 15(1)

A prototype protein nanocage minimized from carboxysomes with gated oxygen permeability.PNAS

Preclinical characterization of the novel anti-SIRPα antibody BR105 that targets the myeloid immune checkpoint.J Immunother Cancer. 2022; 10(3): e004054.

Rapid Optical Biosensing of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins in Artificial Samples.Sensors 2022, 22(10), 3768

Neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 by dimeric side chain-to-side chain cross-linked ACE2 peptide mimetics.Chemical Communications


An anti-influenza A virus microbial metabolite acts by degrading viral endonuclease PA. Nature Communications volume 13

Identification and evaluation of a lipid-lowering small compound in preclinical models and in a Phase I trial. Cell Metabolism Volume 34, Issue 5, 3 May 2022, Pages 667-680.e6

Structure-Based Discovery and Optimization of Furo[3,2-c]pyridin-4(5H)-one Derivatives as Potent and Second Bromodomain (BD2)-Selective Bromo and Extra Terminal Domain (BET) Inhibitors. J. Med. Chem. 2022, 65, 7, 5760–5799

Discovery of N-(4-(Benzyloxy)-phenyl)-sulfonamide Derivatives as Novel Antagonists of the Human Androgen Receptor Targeting the Activation Function 2.J. Med. Chem. 2022, 65, 3, 2507–2521
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