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瀏覽次數(shù):823 發(fā)布日期:2023-9-28  來源:本站 僅供參考,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載,否則責(zé)任自負(fù)
如何進行長片段基因組DNA質(zhì)控?—Pippin Pulse脈沖場電泳系統(tǒng)


針對超長DNA片段的分離和質(zhì)控,美國Sage Science公司擁有超高性價比的Pippin Pulse脈沖場電泳系統(tǒng)。Pippin Pulse使用簡單,無專用耗材,自帶預(yù)設(shè)程序,能很好的電泳分離0.5Kb到430Kb的基因組DNA片段。Pippin Pulse具有一個簡單的軟件界面,自帶6種預(yù)設(shè)程序,可以直接分離多種不同大小范圍DNA長片段,此外,軟件還支持自定義模式,用戶可以自編程分離不同范圍的DNA片段。Pippin Pulse包括電源、電泳槽、操控儀器的電腦和用戶手冊,無特殊耗材,使用成本低,經(jīng)濟耐用。

Pippin Pulse脈沖場電泳系統(tǒng)

Pippin Pulse脈沖場電泳系統(tǒng)預(yù)設(shè)程序

Pippin Pulse脈沖場電泳系統(tǒng)結(jié)果圖示
Pippin Pulse脈沖場電泳系統(tǒng)應(yīng)用案例(部分展示)
1. Pippin Pulse 與PacBio三代測序儀聯(lián)用,控制文庫片段分布,充分發(fā)揮長片段測序優(yōu)勢
  • Takeuchi, Tadashi, et al. "Fatty acid overproduction by gut commensal microbiota exacerbates obesity." Cell Metabolism (2023).
  • Hadzhiev, Yavor, et al. "The miR-430 locus with extreme promoter density forms a transcription body during the minor wave of zygotic genome activation." Developmental Cell 58.2 (2023): 155-170.
  • Kurokochi, Hiroyuki, et al. "Telomere-to-telomere genome assembly of matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake)." DNA Research 30.3 (2023): dsad006.
  • Hixson, Kim K., et al. "Annotated genome sequence of a fast-growing diploid clone of red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.)." G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics (2023): jkad060.
  • Field, Matt A., et al. "The Australian dingo is an early offshoot of modern breed dogs." Science Advances (2022): eabm5944.
  • Pootakham, Wirulda, et al. "A Chromosome-Scale Genome Assembly of Mitragyna speciosa (Kratom) and the Assessment of Its Genetic Diversity in Thailand." Biology 11.10 (2022): 1492.
  • Rahman, M. Julhasur, et al. "LINE-1 retrotransposons facilitate horizontal gene transfer into poxviruses." Elife 11 (2022): e63327.
  • Zhao, Qing, et al. "The reference genome sequence of Scutellaria baicalensis provides insights into the evolution of wogonin biosynthesis." Molecular plant 12.7 (2019): 935-950.

2. Pippin Pulse 與 Nanopore三代測序儀聯(lián)用,質(zhì)控更長、更高質(zhì)量的DNA,進一步提升測序長度
  • Long, Meng, et al. "Comparative genomic analysis provides insights into taxonomy and temperature adaption of Aeromonas salmonicida." Journal of Fish Diseases 46.5 (2023): 545-561.
  • Keraite, Ieva, et al. "A method for multiplexed full-length single-molecule sequencing of the human mitochondrial genome." Nature Communications 13.1 (2022): 5902.
  • Ong, Chian Teng, et al. "Adaptive sampling during sequencing reveals the origins of the bovine reproductive tract microbiome across reproductive stages and sexes." Scientific reports 12.1 (2022): 15075.
  • Wunderlich, Stephanie, et al. "Targeted biallelic integration of an inducible Caspase 9 suicide gene in iPSCs for safer therapies." Molecular Therapy-Methods & Clinical Development 26 (2022): 84-94.v
  • Russo, Alessia, et al. "Low-input high-molecular-weight DNA extraction for long-read sequencing from plants of diverse families." Frontiers in Plant Science 13 (2022): 1494.
  • Player, Robert A., et al. "A novel Canis lupus familiaris reference genome improves variant resolution for use in breed-specific GWAS." Life science alliance 4.4 (2021).
  • Young, Amy E., et al. "Genomic and phenotypic analyses of six offspring of a genome-edited hornless bull." Nature biotechnology 38.2 (2020): 225-232.
  • Belser, Caroline, et al. "Chromosome-scale assemblies of plant genomes using nanopore long reads and optical maps." Nature plants 4.11 (2018): 879-887.
3. Pippin Pulse 與 Bionano分子光譜儀聯(lián)用,確保HMW DNA,保證分析結(jié)果準(zhǔn)確性
  • Secomandi, Simona, et al. "A chromosome-level reference genome and pangenome for barn swallow population genomics." Cell Reports 42.1 (2023): 111992.
  • Dahn, Hollis A., et al. "Benchmarking ultra-high molecular weight DNA preservation methods for long-read and long-range sequencing." GigaScience 11 (2022).
  • Palmada-Flores M, Orkin J D, Haase B, et al. A high-quality, long-read genome assembly of the endangered ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta)[J]. GigaScience, 2022, 11.
  • Canaguier A, Guilbaud R, Denis E, et al. Oxford Nanopore and Bionano Genomics technologies evaluation for plant structural variation detection[J]. BMC genomics, 2022, 23(1): 1-17.
  • Shukla H, Suryamohan K, Khan A, et al. Near-chromosomal de novo assembly of Bengal tiger genome reveals genetic hallmarks of apex-predation[J]. bioRxiv, 2022.
  • Rhie, Arang, et al. "Towards complete and error-free genome assemblies of all vertebrate species." Nature 592.7856 (2021): 737-746.
  • Belser, Caroline, et al. “Telomere-to-telomere gapless chromosomes of banana using nanopore sequencing.” Communications biology 4.1 (2021): 1047.
  • Zheng, Yuting, et al. "Rapid prenatal diagnosis of Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy 1 by combined Bionano optical mapping and karyomapping." Prenatal Diagnosis 40.3 (2020): 317-323.

環(huán)亞生物科技有限公司作為美國Sage Science公司Pippin Pulse脈沖場電泳系統(tǒng)在中國區(qū)的獨家代理商,自2011年以來將Sage Science的產(chǎn)品線引入國內(nèi),一直為國內(nèi)用戶提供專業(yè)的全自動核酸片段回收系統(tǒng)的安裝測試、應(yīng)用培訓(xùn),技術(shù)支持與售后維護工作,贏得客戶的一致好評與信任。環(huán)亞生物科技有限公司將一如既往地支持越來越多的Sage Science用戶。

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