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瀏覽次數(shù):370 發(fā)布日期:2024-9-5  來源:本站 僅供參考,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載,否則責(zé)任自負(fù)


核酸適配體(Aptamer)是指通過指數(shù)富集的配體系統(tǒng)進(jìn)化技術(shù)(systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment,SELEX)得到的一段長(zhǎng)度在20~100 nt左右的單鏈DNA或RNA序列,可以作為靶向性治療的分子探針。SELEX技術(shù)的初始文庫(kù)是單鏈DNA或RNA文庫(kù),由1014~1016個(gè)隨機(jī)的長(zhǎng)度為20~100個(gè)核苷酸序列的寡核苷酸組成,兩端為固定引物序列,中間有一個(gè)隨機(jī)區(qū)域。初始文庫(kù)與靶標(biāo)物質(zhì)孵育后,結(jié)合的寡核苷酸從未結(jié)合序列中分離并通過PCR擴(kuò)增,得到的富集池投入下一輪的篩選,不斷循環(huán)最終找到高親和力適配體。(圖1)

圖1 SELEX篩選過程示意圖

核酸適配體可折疊形成發(fā)卡(hairpin)、假結(jié)(pseudoknot) 、凸環(huán)(bulge)、G-四聚體(G-quadruplex)等穩(wěn)定的二級(jí)和三級(jí)空間結(jié)構(gòu)。核酸適配體的這些空間構(gòu)型能夠與靶標(biāo)物質(zhì)通過靜電作用、氫鍵作用、堆積作用、疏水作用和形狀匹配等多種相互作用力形成嵌合或包被的高親和力復(fù)合物,從而實(shí)現(xiàn)對(duì)靶標(biāo)物質(zhì)的高度特異性識(shí)別結(jié)合。(圖2)

圖2 核酸適配體折疊識(shí)別結(jié)合靶標(biāo)示意圖
(來源:Oligonucleotide Aptamer-Mediated Precision Therapy of Hematological Malignancies)


表1  核酸適配體和抗體對(duì)比
Criteria Aptamers Antibody
Basic composition Nucleotide (four members: A, G, T/U and C) Amino acid (20 members)
Materials Nucleic acid (single-stranded DNA or RNA) • Protein (polymer peptide)
•Antibodies consist of two light chains and two heavy chains
Molecular weight and/or size • 6–30kDa (20–100nt)
• ~2nm
• 150–180kDa
• ~15nm
Secondary structure •Hairpin, stem, loop, bulge, G-quadruplex or kissing complex • α-Helix and β-fold
Binding pattern and/or mechanism of action
• Surface recognition
• Three-dimensional interactions via van der Waals forces, hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions similar to the way antibodies bind to antigen
• Reversal of activity via complementary antidote oligonuclotides
• Binding pocket (key and lock model)
• Three-dimensional interaction; antibodies recognize epitopes located on the target antigen
• Multivalent aptamers can confer increasing affinity and additional functions
•Affinity between antibody and antigen depends on the number of identical epitopes on the target antigen
• The aptamer is able to identify single point mutations and conformational isomers
•Antigens may have multiple epitopes, which allow different antibodies to bind to the same antigen
Potential targets
•Wide range: ions, organic and inorganic molecules, nucleic acids, peptides, proteins, toxins, viral particles, whole cells, entire organs and live animals • Limited to immunogenic molecules
•No toxins or other molecules that do not cause strong immune responses
Generation and discovery • In vitro SELEX (2–15 selection rounds)
• ~2–8 weeks
•Aptamer can be selected in hours or days via high-throughput automated SELEX
• In vivo biological system
• ~6 months or longer
Manufacturing and costs
•Chemical solid-phase synthesis
•Controllable and completely in vitro procedure
• 2 days for milligrams; 2 weeks for grams
•No or low risk of contamination
• Facile regulatory affairs and cGMP
• Low cost for DNA; high cost for long RNA (>60nt) with special modifications
•Costs lowered with the development of new technology
• In vivo (animal-based production)
• Potential contamination due to cells or animal-based production
• 3 months for 5–20 grams
• From mammalian cells: high cost
• From transgenic plants or animals: low cost
Batch-to-batch variation •None or low • Significant
Physical and
thermal stability
•Very stable and long shelf-life
• Resistant to high temperature (even up to 95°C) and cycles of denaturation and renaturation
•Aptamers can be lyophilized for long-term storage and transport at room temperature
•Unstable and limited shelf-life
• Susceptible to temperature (even at room temperature or 37°C) and irreversible denaturation
• Requires refrigeration for storage and transport
Chemical modification and
•Convenient and controllable
•Various types available, including sugar, backbone, base and other modifications
•Aptamers can be rationally modified without loss of binding affinity
• Restricted and uncontrollable
• Limited types and chemical reactions
• Stochastic modifications very likely to cause negative consequences, such as loss of activity
Tissue uptake and penetration • Faster
• Slower
Immunogenicity •None or low immunogenicity •High immunogenicity
• Increased immune reaction with repeated dosing
Nuclease degradation •Vulnerable
• Limited half-life in vivo (~10min for unmodified version)
• Resistant and not affected by nucleases in vivo
Kidney filtration
• Faster
• Short circulation time in vivo (~30min for unconjugated version)
• Slower
• Long circulation time (up to 1 month)
Patents and distribution • Exclusive patents in SELEX technology
• Limited initial distribution
• Expired protection or no early patents
• More widespread distribution
Development and market
• The development pathway is less explored
• Insufficient education and investment (R&D support)
•Commercialization has focused on diagnostic-based aptamer products
•Well-developed infrastructure
•Abundant support from finance and education
• Rapid and sustained increase in drug market share
cGMP, current good manufacturing practice; nt, nucleotide; SELEX, systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment.

來源:Aptamers as targeted therapeutics: current potential and challenges

憑借其諸多獨(dú)特的優(yōu)勢(shì),核酸適配體在藥物研發(fā)領(lǐng)域發(fā)展前景廣闊。美國(guó) FDA 在 2004年通過了第一個(gè)用于治療年齡相關(guān)的黃斑變性的核酸適配體藥物哌加他尼鈉 ( pegaptanib sodium,商品名為Macugen) ,將核酸適配體藥物的研發(fā)推向一個(gè)新的高度,F(xiàn)已有11種核酸適配體藥物進(jìn)入臨床試驗(yàn)階段(表2),未來必定會(huì)有更多的核酸適配體藥物被研發(fā)出來,并最終用于治療疾病。

表2  進(jìn)入臨床階段的核酸適配體藥物
藥物名稱 性質(zhì) 靶標(biāo) 治療疾病 臨床階段 時(shí)間 研究單位
Pegaptanib RNA VEGF AMD 上市(現(xiàn)已退市) 2004 Eyetech/Pfizer公司
Zimura RNA C5 AMD Ⅰ期 2016 Ophthotech公司
Fovista DNA PDGF AMD Ⅲ期 2016 Ophthotech公司
AS1411 DNA 核仁蛋白 腎癌 Ⅱ期 2008 Antisoma研究中心
NOX-E36 RNA CCL2 DN Ⅰ期 2015 NOXXON制藥公司
ARC1779 DNA VWF TTP Ⅱ期 2008 Archemix公司
ARC19499 RNA TFPI 血友病 Ⅰ期 2010 維也納醫(yī)科大學(xué)
NU172 DNA 凝血酶 心臟病 Ⅱ期 2013 ARCA生物制藥公司
REG1 RNA FIXa 冠狀動(dòng)脈疾病 Ⅱ期 2007 Regado生物科學(xué)公司
NOX-H94 RNA 鐵調(diào)素 ACI Ⅱ期 2013 NOXXON制藥公司



表3 Aptamer藥物的體外代謝研究體系
生物基質(zhì) 試驗(yàn)類型 備注
血清/血漿 代謝穩(wěn)定性,血漿蛋白結(jié)合試驗(yàn) 金屬螯合劑抗凝的血漿不適合代謝穩(wěn)定性研究。
肝S9 代謝穩(wěn)定性,代謝產(chǎn)物鑒定 肝S9一定程度上可以代替肝組織勻漿使用。
肝微粒體 代謝穩(wěn)定性 肝微粒體的核酸酶活性較低,可以根據(jù)實(shí)際情況進(jìn)行選擇。
肝組織勻漿 代謝穩(wěn)定性,代謝產(chǎn)物鑒定 酶體系比較全面,推薦用于Aptamer藥物的體外篩選評(píng)價(jià)。
肝細(xì)胞 代謝穩(wěn)定性,代謝產(chǎn)物鑒定 肝細(xì)胞酶體系最為完善,適用于肝靶向的Aptamer藥物研究。

類別 分類
原代肝細(xì)胞 懸浮肝細(xì)胞
專屬血漿 血漿穩(wěn)定性


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[2] Jiehua Zhou, John Rossi. Aptamers as targeted therapeutics: Current potential and challenges. Nat. Rev. Drug Discovery. 2017, 16(3): 181-202.

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