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當(dāng)前位置 > 首頁 > 技術(shù)文章 > 一種大有前途的分析和診斷新技術(shù)---數(shù)字PCR技術(shù)


瀏覽次數(shù):4201 發(fā)布日期:2010-4-19  來源:本站 僅供參考,謝絕轉(zhuǎn)載,否則責(zé)任自負(fù)

本文評述了新近發(fā)展起來的以大規(guī)模集成流路(IFC)芯片為基礎(chǔ)的數(shù)字 PCR 技術(shù)。指出 PCR 已被證明可用于除外傷和營養(yǎng)不良癥以外所有其他疾病的分子診斷。但是傳統(tǒng) PCR 技術(shù)有誤診率高的缺點(diǎn),即便采用傳統(tǒng)的數(shù)字 PCR 技術(shù),也還會有 2% 以上的差錯率。但是當(dāng)采用 IFC 芯片作數(shù)字 PCR 檢測時,將可使測量準(zhǔn)確度達(dá)到 99.75% 以上,并可做絕對測量,因而在各種疾病早期分子診斷方面具有其他方法無法比擬的巨大潛力。

A Very Promising New Analytical and Diagnostic Technology: Large Scale Integrated Fluidic Circuit-PCR


Abstract The newly developed digital polymerase chain reaction(dPCR) technology based on integrated fluidic circuit(IFC) chip is critically reviewed. As was shown that other than injury and dystrophy all the diseases could be di-agnosed with the use of PCR technology. However, the misdiagnosis rate of traditional PCR technology is quite high. An error rate as high as >2% is common even though a traditional digital PCR is used. However, when a digital PCR based on IFC chip is used an accuracy of 99.75% is attainable and even an absolutely quantitative determination is also possible. Therefore, the digital PCR based on IFC chip is a very promising technology for the early molecular diagnosis of various diseases.


Key words Integrated luidic circuit(IFC) chip, Digital PCR, Molecular Diagnosis



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